7 Reasons Why Politics Isn't Boring ...

Alison Nov 17, 2014

What are the reasons why politics isn't boring? People often switch off when someone mentions politics; they think that it's a dull topic or that there's no point taking an interest in it. But politics is something that affects us all, and we should take an interest in it. Here are some reasons why politics isn't boring …

1. Relevant

One of the reasons why politics isn't boring is that it's extremely relevant to our daily lives and our futures. Politicians take decisions that shape our lives, so we should keep informed of what is going on in politics. If we are aware of political decisions and plans, we can use our vote to try to influence the outcome.


Politics plays a crucial role in shaping our society and our daily lives. It affects everything from healthcare and education to taxes and job opportunities. As citizens, it is important to stay informed about political decisions and policies, as they directly impact our well-being and future. By understanding the political landscape, we can also use our voices and votes to advocate for issues that are important to us and bring about positive change. Additionally, being politically aware can also help us make informed decisions when it comes to choosing our leaders and holding them accountable for their actions. In short, politics may seem daunting and complicated, but it is highly relevant to our lives and cannot be ignored.

2. You Can Influence Things

Often we feel that we have no real say in the political process, and that decisions are made regardless of what we want. But voting, lobbying and communicating with our representatives can make a difference. The problem is that too many people take this apathetic view and so remain apart from the political process - and of course things won't change if we don't attempt to change them.


Voting and engaging in political activism can have a significant impact on shaping policies and decisions that affect our daily lives. In fact, studies have shown that when more people participate in the political process, there is a higher likelihood of policies being aligned with the needs and desires of the general population. Additionally, lobbying and communicating with our elected officials can bring attention to important issues and push for change. It is important for women, who make up half of the population, to be actively involved in politics to ensure their voices are heard and their rights are protected.

3. Changes

It might seem as though nothing changes in politics, but we've actually seen some very positive developments in recent years. Same-sex couples have gained the right to marry in a growing number of states or countries, for example. Laws like these come into being because of campaigning and political support, so when we see things like this happen it shows how politics can be positive and interesting.


In recent years, we have seen significant changes in politics, particularly in regards to social issues. For example, the legalization of same-sex marriage in several states and countries has been a major milestone in the fight for equality and acceptance. This change was brought about through political activism and support, showcasing the power of politics to bring about positive change. Additionally, there have been advancements in women's rights and representation in politics, with more women holding positions of power and advocating for important issues. These changes demonstrate the relevance and impact of politics in our daily lives, making it an important and interesting topic to follow.

4. It's Everywhere

Politics affects every part of our lives. How often our garbage is collected, housing, school and health funding, law and order, warfare, equal rights - both mundane and major decisions are made by politicians. Politics are everywhere, and no part of our lives remains untouched by the subject.

5. Commitment

We often complain that politicians are only interested in looking out for themselves, but there are some who genuinely want to help their community or country. These people need support and help to continue their good work. Look a little deeply and you will find someone who is doing good political work - and that is worth your interest.

6. Being Informed

Keeping up-to-date about politics lets us know what is going on. And there are a lot of things happening! Whether it's on a local or national level, or events of international importance, we should know as much as possible about what is going on. Take an interest in politics and keep yourself informed.

7. Scandals

Finally, you can always rely on politics to offer up regular scandals. Whether it's financial kickbacks or extramarital affairs, politicians are often in the news for less than honest behavior. And this makes them interesting - it shows that they are human and makes them stand out. Perhaps for the wrong reasons, but it creates some interesting stories for the newspapers.

If you're feeling disillusioned about politics or find it uninteresting, then perhaps it's time you got involved and tried to bring about changes yourself. If everyone stays apathetic then nothing will change. But there are a lot of ways to get involved in politics, and it could be fascinating being on the inside. Are there any politicians you think are making a difference?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Aren't* Politics AREN'T boring.

I think you need to define "politics". My dad was a professional politician, one of those "smoke-filled room" guys. He never ran for office, but in the 60's & '70's he was intimately involved in deciding who would run. These were the days before expensive primaries, PACs and over-paid consultants. In those bad old days, the pros worked for the two parties. They themselves were either Republicans or Democrats. They were intellectually and philosophically linked to their party. And, trust me, they didn't make millions offering stupid banal advice. "Politics is the art of the possible" my dad always said. Usually he said this to me when I expressed my opinion about what I thought should or could be done regarding a particular issue. These were the days when you, the individual, could actually become involved in a campaign, make phone calls, knock on doors, give away pins and bumper stickers. You worked as a Republican or Democrat, because you believed in that party. Not everything about that party, but you embraced the philosophy. You didn't count every vote, you didn't believe in splitting the country in different colored states, you didn't believe in creating class warfare between the "1%" and the "99%". There were concepts such as the "loyal opposition" and " the good of the country." People in the press actually asked tough questions, leaders expected to be held accountable by the voters. Elections weren't won by playing the sax on late night TV, or landing a jet on an aircraft carrier. Choosing justices for the Supreme Court was not a mottled tawdry mud-slinging process of elimination. I still vote, which I think makes me whole lot smarter than Jon Stewart, or Bill Maher, Bill O'Reilly or Glenn Beck. I invested in the "audacity of hope." And 7 years later, all a see is the mendacity of partisan politics. Civics interests me, politics is a relevant as newspapers in a digital age.

I love politics. So fascinating.

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