7 Reasons to Avoid Arguments on Social Media ...


Have you ever got into an argument on social media that went on and on? People can take an innocent comment the wrong way and take offence. But there's really no sense in getting into a debate, because you'll end up getting frustrated. Plus you'll rarely convince anyone that you're right. Here are the reasons why you should avoid arguments on social media …

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It's really a pointless exercise that gets you nowhere. You can't win an online argument, so don't waste your time. Besides, people can be much more aggressive on the anonymous internet than they would to your face, and you may get very upset at how they react.


Quickly Escalate

Internet arguments can quickly escalate. I've seen it many times on various social media, and I've learned that the best response is to refuse to engage in the process. If you answer someone, they then pick apart what you say; you then answer them, and on it goes. Stop the argument before it develops and accept that you aren't going to agree.


Who Cares?

Why worry about what a stranger thinks of you? They don't know you. It's smart to adopt an attitude that it doesn't matter what someone you'll never even meet thinks of you. Just let it go and move on. You have more important things to worry about.



Because of the limits of the written word, people may easily misunderstand what another person has said. So arguments can develop on the internet because of a misunderstanding. If you see this happening, back off and take no further part in the discussion - and don't keep monitoring it to see what they say next. It doesn't matter what they say.


Waste of Time

Internet arguments must be the next biggest waste of time after checking your social media every five minutes. Do you really want to waste your precious time arguing with strangers about things that don't really matter? There are far more productive and enjoyable ways to spend your life, so find more positive things to do and ignore the people who are determined to find fault with the opinions of others.

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Being Right

There's a cartoon where a person in front of a computer says to their spouse 'I can't come to bed - someone on the internet is wrong.' If you find yourself in this position, stop and think twice - so what if they are (in your opinion anyway) wrong? Maybe they are, maybe they're not - but neither of you are going to convince each other, so let it go.



Finally, it can be pretty unpleasant to get into an argument on social media. It's also not very social! Why subject yourself to unpleasant experiences? People will think what they want to think, and it won't always be the same as you. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, whatever it may be.

So if you find yourself on the verge of getting into a dispute on social media or any other internet forum, resist the urge. It's best to just ignore any attempts to draw you into an argument; don't worry what people think or about winning an argument. Have you ever said something that you regretted on the internet?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I relieve stress by arguing with strangers on the Internet, lol

No facebook here.

I agree with Kayy. No facebook or anything for me either.

This is why i dont have facebook and all the rest of it

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