7 Popular Sayings That Are Just Plain Dumb ...


There are many popular sayings in our culture that people look to for motivation and inspiration, but there are many sayings meant to be inspirational that seem fairly false. I have thus compiled a list of popular sayings that don't seem to be all that true.

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What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger

Of all the popular sayings out there, this is one so many people live by. But, this saying is not always true; sometimes what doesn't kill you knocks you so low that it makes you weaker. Ever been in such a bad relationship that you were too scared to enter a new one? This isn't exactly strength...


Sticks and Stones Can Break My Bones but Words Will Never Hurt Me

Words can and do hurt, sometimes even more than physical pain. This is why cyber-bullying is such an epidemic in our society. Don't let anyone tell you that you that you are "too sensitive" for feeling hurt by something someone says to you; it is a natural human reaction to feel emotional pain if someone says something cruel.


Live Your Life with No Regrets

I love Katharine Hepburn's response to this quote -- "I have many regrets, and I'm sure everyone does. The stupid things you do, you regret... if you have any sense, and if you don't regret them, maybe you're stupid." Basically, everyone has regrets. If you choose not to dwell on them, to forgive yourself for them, to treat them as lessons, or believe that your mistakes work into a larger picture, then fine; but that does not mean that you should overlook hurting others or doing something incredibly wrong in the past.


Forgive and Forget

Forgiveness of those who have wronged us often helps us move on with our lives, but remembering what hurt you will help you to learn. Don't forget if someone harmed you in some way, or you will never learn to avoid those kinds of situations in the future, and this will just wind up hurting you more in the long run.


Practice Makes Perfect

One of my elementary school teachers disproved this saying by rephrasing it to: practicing the RIGHT WAY makes perfect. This is so true. You can practice something as much as you like, but if you are not practicing correctly you will never improve.

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You Can Be Whatever You Want to Be

This is so wrong. No matter what I do, I will never be able to be an astronaut because I have less than perfect eyesight. Humans are born with innate qualities and sometimes we have to learn to work with the cards we were dealt instead of trying to be something we were never meant to be.


Positivity is the Key

Optimism may be the key to improving your self-esteem, but unfortunately it is not the key to everything. Psychological studies have actually shown that pessimists tend to be the most realistic and often go further in life because they understand the realistic aspects of situations. While positivity has its benefits, it is not necessarily the key to success or the key to life.

There are many great motivational quotes to live by, but there are also many that are pretty dumb. What motivational quotes do you like, and which ones do you disagree with?

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What you said was mostly true, but they're still amazing quotes to keep in mind, better to be positive even if it isn't the reality sometimes.

one of my school teachers told us "Practice makes permanent." saying that the way you practice something is how you will execute it in the end.

I agree to some extent, I see the point you're making but I see strength and optimism in a lot of those quotes. What doesn't kill you does make you stronger, you'll only be weak and down for some time until you find strength to stand up again. Names hurt at first but once you realize the weakness/insecurity of the person saying those mean things those words has no power over you :) I like your insight on practice makes perfect.

I disagree.

@valpal28. AGREED. Reading it may cause people to doubt themselves even more. Stick to happy vibes. It's the way to go!

You ought to be the dumbest writer on this app. Every self management/self help book that I have read that have been written by successful billionaires have said that you have to be optimistic to succeed. Don't put ridiculous "facts" in people's heads.

there's always two sides to every saying

I like these old sayings. Some of them have been said by elders for years.

Wow that's really smart nurys, I'm gonna keep that in mind.

I'll add one "you can't have your cake and eat it too". Uh, yes you can, that's the only way you can eat cake, by having it. The correct term is "you can't eat your cake and have it too" because, well, you ate it so it's no longer possible to have it, too.

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