7 New Year's Resolutions to Consider Making This Year ...


7 New Year's Resolutions  to Consider Making This Year ...
7 New Year's Resolutions  to Consider Making This Year ...

Have you thought about what New Year’s resolutions you want to make for next year? Many people make New Year’s resolutions but not many people keep them; one reason is that they make them without much thought. This year, why not make them after some thought as to what is really important? What is really best for you? Here are some possible resolutions to consider.


Eat for Health Not Weight

One of the most commonly made New Year’s Resolutions is to lose weight. This resolution is often made in an attempt to look more attractive and there is certainly nothing wrong with that. But a resolution to eat for health instead of weight loss could be a better choice. Choosing to eat in order to be healthier will almost always give you a side effect of weight loss. Not only will you be a slimmer version of yourself but also a healthier one.


No More Distracted Driving

How many of us need to stop the habit of distracted driving? I will admit I am on this list of offenders from time to time. Driving is a responsibility that we need to treat seriously. This means leaving our phones in our purses and our makeup in the makeup bag, which is my personal worst offense. This resolution could not only help us to drive more responsibly but could also save lives, including our own.


Random Acts of Kindness

This is a beautiful and totally unselfish resolution. To purpose to do random acts of kindness for others is something that you will get a return on in the way of feeling better about yourself. This is something that you choose to do because you want to model good behavior and you want the world to be a better place. Random acts of kindness have another wonderful side effect, too. Many of those that receive those selfless acts decide to pay it forward, which is something the world could use much more of.


Slow down

I feel safe in saying most of the individuals in our world operate at a busy, fast pace. We talk fast, we drive fast and we are always in a hurry. We miss many of the small pleasures in life because we are in a hurry to get to our next activity or cross the next thing off of our to-do list. There is pleasure in cooking an enjoyable meal and taking the time to enjoy it. There is joy in spending time with those we love that isn’t interrupted by technology. Consider slowing down as one of your New Year’s resolutions for 2014.


Spend Time with Those Who Matter

Purposing to take time for those who matter is such an important thing in our lives. It is one of those very important things that slips by us if we are not careful. Make time for your partner, your children and your extended family. Don’t forget to spend time with precious people such as grandparents if you are fortunate enough to have them. This is a decision that you will never regret.


Exercise for Health

Just like it is a better choice to choose to eat for our health, it is a better choice to exercise for health. Instead of worrying about how many calories you are burning, shift your focus. Think about how exercise is making your body stronger and helping you become in better physical condition. And you needn’t worry if you shift your focus. Anytime you exercise, your body will show the results.


Be Braver

I love the idea of making this New Year’s resolution. How many of us allow fear to defeat us out of doing things we would really like to do? Too many. Purpose to be braver this year. Try the things that you have allowed to hold you back. It could be something as simple as coloring your hair or something as big as climbing a mountain.

There are many things that can be chosen as a New Year’s Resolution. I encourage you to choose yours thoughtfully this year. What are some New Year’s resolutions you are considering for 2014?

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