8 Most Common Paranormal Experiences ...


If you have ever watched television shows about ghosts and hauntings, I am sure you have noticed many common paranormal experiences amongst those who claim to have experienced the paranormal. Many people do not believe in the paranormal or in ghosts, however, there are also many people who would bet their lives that there is another realm besides the one we are living in. While some of the incidents people claim to have experienced involving the paranormal seem quite bizarre, I have compiled a list of a few common paranormal experiences shared amongst those who do, in fact, believe they have come into contact with ghosts!

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Temperature Drops

One of the most common paranormal experiences people tell of is temperature drops. Many people claim that they feel a distinct chill in certain rooms of a house or in particular areas, with no draft to be found. How creepy is that?


The Feeling of a Presence

Those who have experienced hauntings also tend to claim to sense a presence when, in fact, no one is in the room with them. I often wonder what this sense feels like, but how creepy would it be to think someone is watching you when no one is actually there?


Pets Behaving Strangely

Another thing many people experience is noticing that their pets start acting differently. Dogs have been known to bark at open spaces and shake uncontrollably or become withdrawn, and cats have been known to get very jumpy. Isn’t it odd that pets may be able to sense things we can’t? Spooky.


Many pet owners recall instances where animals fixate on a particular corner of a room or follow something invisible with their gaze. It's as if the animals perceive a presence that remains unseen to human eyes. Theories suggest that pets, with their heightened senses, might pick up on subtle energy shifts or sounds that go unnoticed by us. So the next time your fur baby paws at the air or tracks something across the room with their eyes, it might just be worth paying a little extra attention. After all, if the tales are true, they could be reacting to a visitor from another realm.


Lights Turning on and off

Some people have said that they notice lights flickering or turning on and off at random times in their home. When electrical problems are checked and addressed and this still happens, it leaves one to wonder if something paranormal may be the cause of this bizarre occurrence.


Doors Opening and Closing

Those who claim to have experienced paranormal phenomena sometimes say that they find that their doors open and close without explanation. Could this mean the door is not installed properly or there is a breeze in the room? Possibly. But who knows for sure…

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Misplaced Objects

In addition to lights flickering and doors opening and closing, many have claimed to find objects misplaced around the house. Sometimes objects that are missing show up in bizarre places, and other times, strange objects just appear in the home. I find this so creepy and strange!


Unexplained Noises

Many people claim to hear noises coming from seemingly nowhere. These noises can include whispers, unexplained voices, footsteps, creaking floors, furniture moving, etc. How horribly scary is that?!



Lastly, many people claim to see physical accounts of the paranormal from fogs, mists, and shadows, to orbs, and sometimes even to full figured apparitions. This would honestly freak me out enough to move if I saw something that resembled a ghost living in my home!

These paranormal experiences seem so creepy! I’m pretty sure I would move if these things were happening in my home, whether or not I believed it was haunted! Do you believe in ghosts? Have you had any of your own experiences with the paranormal? Or what other explanations do you think there could be for these creepy experiences?

Sources: isisinvestigations.com

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My grandmother passed away and she left me her house (which she lived in for over 50 years) - I have known this house my entire life and basically grew up there - nothing weird happens there - she was the one and only owner.  The lights had been cut off because the "other side" of the family stopped paying the bills when she passed and when they found out she left it to me.  Needless to say there was no electricity in the house (it had been disconnected) - the day I received notice that probate was over and it was officially mine - I came to the house and the lights were on.  I called the city to find out why and they told me there no electricity to the address I was inquiring about.  I already had my own house and 2 kids so having to maintain another house would have been an issue for me - but I had electricity in the house until I was able to clean out the entire house.  The day I took out the last piece of Grandma's stuff out of the house the electricity went off and did not come back on.  I believe in my heart it was grandma - letting me know she was there for me.  We talked about this kind of thing before she died and I told her if there is way please let me know you are here.  Well......I know it was her!  Since then I have sold my house and moved to hers (bigger and better) and my dog barks alot at nothing (which she never did before) like she sees something that I can't.  I have seen a shadow walk by my bedroom door - just like Grandma used to do when I spend the night with her (no matter how old I was - this is what she did) she ALWAYS got up and checked on me through the night.  I find great comfort in knowing she is still around and I know its her!

It's happened 2 me 2, av sensed presence & my son hve seen dark figure in his room which thn cme close 2 him & he felt a big bang on his head, which realy freaked him out, he would also wake up with bruises on his arms, so yea i believe in ghosts, they do exist in this world, we call thm Jinn, they are also creation of god, there are good ones & bad, so bad ones do get in our lives & create mischief, i hd hd my house cleansed through prayers

And most of the time they r snt through black magic, which ws in our case, they r used 2 hurt people & destroy their lives, it is very common practice in Morroco

I'm a night auditor at a very old independently owned hotel in the town I live in. There is a room on the south side of the hotel # 145, there is no phone or person in this room. Ever since we started this " Haunted Hotel " thing for Halloween, the room will call the front desk and all you hear is clicking sounds like someone tapping on the receiver. Also when you call the room the line rings 1 or 2 times and is picked up where it again sounds Ike someone tapping on the phone receiver. I also am constantly doing double takes, because it always feels like someone is watching me........

Most often than not demonic presents are connected with smells as well. In this case, it wouldn't matter if you moved or not. A dark presence will often attach itself to what research calls a host. Basically, it will follow the person it has targeted.

Lol. I've had a medico door lock on it's own, which should be impossible. The tumblers shouldn't have been capable of slipping sans key.

the first three happened to me also number 6 and 7, I've seen a black coat hanging on my closet and when I looked back again there was nothing! and a lot more

Sry , I've been watching to much Ghost Adventures

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