Moms Are Talking with Melissa McCarthy over at Ivory's "the Soap Dish" ...

By Diana

Moms Are Talking with Melissa McCarthy over at Ivory's "the Soap Dish" ...

Emmy award winning actress Melissa McCarthy from CBS' "Mike & Molly" and the hit movie, "Bridesmaids", knows what it's like to be a working mom and to come home after putting a day's worth of hours in at work to kids, a spouse, and a house that need and want your attention. McCarthy has teamed up with Ivory to put together a community on facebook called "The Soap Dish" , where moms can talk, lean on each other, trade ideas, and ask questions...
Modern Moms Chatting on "The Soap Dish"...
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Melissa McCarthy is asking questions every week on Ivory's facebook section called, "The Soap Dish", and she wants to know things like, "In your opinion, who's harder to raise - boys or girls?" or "Has being a mom changed you?". I bet we have many moms on All Women Stalkwho would love to answer these questions and have a few things to talk about on raising boys and girls or what has changed since becoming a mother. We would love for you to head on over to** Ivory's** facebook and chat with Melissa McCarthy and other moms on "The Soap Dish".

“I grew up using Ivory and that smell always reminds me of when I was a kid,” McCarthy said. “As a working mom of two, I love anything that simplifies my life. So when one bar of soap can handle backyard dirt, spaghetti hands, and the unidentified crusty bits under my girls’ necks - I’m in.”

I bet new mothers who are pregnant want a little girl who they can take shopping, dress up, and curl her hair, while new dads want a little boy they can play catch with, cheer on their favorite team together, go fishing, etc. But after thinking and wishing for all of the good things, do you think about who would be more difficult to raise? What about when boys and girls hit their teen years, who do you think is harder to raise than?
The Ivory Moms Survey
"In an effort to better understand today’s women and moms, the brand commissioned a national survey of 1,017 moms to uncover attitudes and insights surrounding the realities of her everyday life and role as wife, mother, daughter and more.

Not surprising, the results revealed quite a bit about today’s mom. For instance, 80 percent of moms surveyed feel that motherhood is more complicated today than it was for their own mothers 20 years ago. However, more than half (54 percent) say they’re balancing life as a mother better than their own mom did. Perhaps the secret to it all? 66 percent confessed to hiding in the bathroom for much needed “me” time.

The complete survey questions and results will be shared throughout the Soap Dish community, as Ivory encourages women to laugh, live and share their everyday issues with others.

To visit Ivory’s “Soap Dish” forum and dish with Melissa McCarthy and other moms on what complicates their lives, consumers can visit Ivory’s Facebook fanpage. To learn more about Ivory’s products and where they are available in your local area, visit Ivory on Facebook">">Facebook , on Twitter(@Ivory), and YouTube."

**Stalkers, who is harder to raise...boys or girls? **Stay tuned we have a wonderful giveaway from Ivory coming soon!

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