We all get in a rut where life feels boring and lacks the excitement that keeps you happy and on your toes. When that happens, it’s time to try something new. Challenging your body and mind injects some interest into your days so that life doesn’t get so tedious and monotonous. This doesn’t have to be a totally time-consuming thing either. Just a few minutes gives you something to look forward to and makes life fun again. Here are some great ideas to try, courtesy of Shape magazine.
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Start Cooking and Keep Trying New Recipes
Maybe you’ve always wanted to be a master at Mexican food or you wish you could make a mean sushi for your lunchbox. Grab a cookbook at the book store and start the beginning, making a point to prepare every single recipe in the book. You are going to have lots of tasty food to sample and following a recipe is a great way to challenge your brain.
Go on a Fun Day Trip with the Ones You Love
I do this regularly with my husband and kids whenever we can get away. We’ll just load up the car with water bottles and snacks and go somewhere close to home for the day. One day is plenty of time to explore what the area has to offer, try a restaurant we’ve never been to and tune out the world and focus on each other.
Change Your Hairstyle and Color
Sometimes a new look is everything you need to make life seem more exciting. I’m sure you’re familiar with that great feeling you get when you try a new look and everyone compliments you. Trying a totally different hairstyle and color is a perfect choice for adding something new and different to your life.
Sign up and Train for a 5K in Your Town
Creating a training regimen and working toward finishing a 5K gives you something new to add to many days of the week. You have training sessions to look forward to and when race day comes, you’re sure to be full of anticipation and excitement. Many girls say that running a race is the perfect way to take their ho-hum lives to energizing and fun. Plus, it’s a great way to meet new people.
Redecorate One Room in Your House
Giving a place you spend a ton of time a facelift makes it fun to hang out in there. I recently painted my bedroom bright yellow and got new bedding. It was totally easy, but it completely changed the way the room looks. Now it’s fun to go in there and admire my work. Choose a room that you’re tired of and slap on some fresh paint and switch out the décor.
Ask Someone out on a Date
Have you been eyeing the guy that makes your morning coffee or the one who delivers your mail at the office? Stop waiting and ask him out! You’ll be pleasantly surprised to learn that he’s probably been eyeing you too. Talk about exciting! Now you have something fun to look forward to and you have a new guy to hang out with.
Turn off Your Phone for a Few Days
You might not be able to go on a vacay, but you can pretend for a weekend. Make a commitment to skip checking work email and avoid texting all weekend long. Tell your friends and coworkers that you’ll be out of contact until Monday morning, then totally enjoy being unplugged and free to do whatever you want without having to check your devices.
What do you do when you need something new in your life? Do you think you’d like trying one of these new things?
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