9 Important Things You Should Have in Your Home First Aid Kit ...

Melissa Aug 17, 2013

9 Important Things You Should Have in Your Home First Aid Kit ...
9 Important Things You Should Have in Your Home First Aid Kit ...

You may wonder what things you should have in your home first aid kit. If you haven’t put together a kit yet, or you just want to make sure you have all the key essentials, then you are going to love this list. Keep reading to find out the 9 important things you should have in your home first aid kit.

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1. Band-Aids

Band-Aids This seems like one of the more obvious things you should have in your home first aid kit. It is also one of the things you are most likely to be out of when needed. I find this especially true if you have children that like to put band-aids on just about any owie. Keep an eye on your band-aid stock and add them to your grocery list when you are running low.

2. Tweezers

Tweezers No, plucking your eyebrows isn’t an emergency. Tweezers are great for removing splinters and ticks. They also come in handy if you ever have to remove dirt and rocks from an open wound.

3. Antibiotic Ointment

Antibiotic Ointment Antibiotic ointment is key for fighting infections in wounds. That is why it is so important to keep a tube in your first aid kit. It helps fight bacteria and can even help wounds heal faster.


Antibiotic ointment contains ingredients such as neomycin, polymyxin B, and bacitracin, which work together to prevent bacterial growth and promote healing. It is recommended to use antibiotic ointment on minor cuts, scrapes, and burns to prevent infection and reduce the risk of scarring. It can also be used on insect bites and other skin irritations. It is important to note that antibiotic ointment should not be used on deep or puncture wounds, as it may trap bacteria inside and delay healing. It is also not recommended for use on large areas of the body. Always read the instructions and warnings before using antibiotic ointment and consult a doctor if the wound does not show signs of improvement after a few days.

4. Hand Sanitizer

Hand Sanitizer Hand sanitizer is also very important when it comes to fighting bacteria. Sometimes you are responding to a first-aid situation so quickly that you may not think to wash your hands. Having the hand sanitizer in your kit will make sure your hands are clean and ready to play doctor.

5. Ice Packs

Ice Packs In all fairness ice packs won’t do you much good if they are kept in your first aid kit, but you should have some ready to go in the freezer. Ice packs are good for bumps and bruises. You can buy them at the store or make your own. I like this suggestion on how to make your own ice packs from The Krazy Coupon Lady: thekrazycouponlady.com. All you do is mix rubbing alcohol and dish soap in a zip shut plastic bag and freeze. The alcohol will keep the mixture from freezing completely.

6. Hydrocortisone Cream

Hydrocortisone Cream Hydrocortisone cream is great for soothing itchy insect bites and mystery rashes. You can purchase it over-the-counter at your local pharmacy. It comes in 0.5 percent and 1.0 percent strength. Check with your pharmacist to see which strength is most appropriate for your home, especially if you have young children.

7. Gauze

Gauze Every now and then we get scrapes that a regular band-aid won’t cover. That is why we need gauze. After cleaning the area and putting on antibiotic cream, you can cover the area with gauze.

8. Adhesive Cloth Tape

Adhesive Cloth Tape Obviously the gauze isn’t going to hold itself in place very well. That’s why we need adhesive cloth tape in our home first aid kits. This can also work well for putting pressure over a wound or holding a splint in place.

9. Bag or Box

Bag or Box It doesn’t do you any good if you have all these supplies scattered all over your house in different places. You need a bag or a small box with a lid to keep your first aid supplies organized and easily accessible. A travel makeup bag or an old shoe box work perfect.

Of course there are many other things that would come handy in a home first aid kit. These are just a few essentials that everyone should have on hand. You can create kits to keep at home and in the car. What are some other things you think we should add to our list of things to keep in your home first aid kit?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Hand sanitizer is actually really bad

You should've sum it up as FIRST AID kit. �

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