7 Greek Goddesses You Will Want to Get to Know ...

Chelsie Mar 15, 2014

Both Greek goddesses and gods are prominently featured in Greek mythology. The gods and goddesses are significant, with each having a specific role. Zeus, for example, is the God of the Sky and the ruler of all the Olympian gods. As ruler, Zeus clearly has a significant role in Greek myths. However, there are many Greek goddesses that had important roles to fill, including Zeus’ wife Hera.

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1. Hera

Hera As Zeus’ wife, Hera was the queen of the Greek goddesses and gods. She was not just Queen of the Olympians; she was also the Goddess of Weddings and Marriage. Being the Goddess of Weddings and Marriage, it makes sense that Hera would become very jealous of Zeus’ affairs. In one instance Hera went so far as to try and kill one of the children that Zeus fathered with another woman. That is jealousy at its worst. In spite of this jealous act, the Greeks still honored Hera with the Festival of Heraia, which was an athletic competition exclusively for women.


Hera was the wife of Zeus, the king of the gods, and the queen of the Greek goddesses and gods. She was the goddess of marriage and weddings, and was known to be very jealous of Zeus’ affairs. Hera was so jealous, in fact, that she tried to kill one of the children Zeus fathered with another woman. Despite her jealous nature, Hera was still honored by the Greeks with the Festival of Heraia, an athletic competition exclusively for women.

Hera was also the goddess of childbirth, and was believed to be the protector of married women. She was the daughter of Cronus and Rhea, and the sister of Zeus. She was also the mother of Ares, Hebe, and Eileithyia. Hera was often depicted as a beautiful woman with a majestic crown and a veil.

Hera was known for her strength and courage, and was often seen as a symbol of justice and fairness. She was also the goddess of the sky and the stars, and was associated with the planet Jupiter. She was also associated with the peacock, which was often seen as a symbol of her majesty.

In addition to being the goddess of marriage and weddings, Hera was also a symbol of fertility.

2. Athena

Athena As the goddess of war and wisdom, Athena is a well-known goddess whose wisdom led her to be associated with the owl. Athena is also associated with the olive tree, which is considered her sacred symbol. The olive tree came to be Athena’s symbol through a myth that she gave an olive tree to the city of Athens, which grew on the Acropolis. Aside from the olive tree, Athens is also a sacred city for Athena because it is where a major temple was dedicated to her. The famous Parthenon is actually a temple that was dedicated to Athena. While many cities had temples dedicated to her because she was considered the protector of the city, the Parthenon is by far the most famous.


Athena is the daughter of Zeus and Metis, and is one of the most powerful goddesses of the Greek pantheon. She is the goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, mathematics, strength, war strategy, the arts, crafts, and skill. She is also the protector of Athens, the city which her father named after her. Athena is often depicted wearing a helmet and carrying a shield and spear.

Athena is a symbol of intelligence and practicality, and is often referred to as the goddess of strategy and wisdom. She is known for her ability to outwit opponents, and is often depicted as a wise and thoughtful counsellor. Athena is also associated with the olive tree, which is a symbol of peace and prosperity.

Athena is also closely associated with the Parthenon, which is a temple located on the Acropolis of Athens. The Parthenon was dedicated to her and is a symbol of the greatness of Athens. Athena is also the patron goddess of the city of Athens, and it is said that she gave the city an olive tree to symbolize peace and prosperity.

3. Demeter

Demeter Demeter was a very important goddess for farmers and women, due to the fact that she was the Goddess of Fertility and Agriculture. As the Goddess of Agriculture, Demeter brings harvests once a year. However, according to her myth, crops used to be abundant year round. Demeter had a daughter named Persephone, who was captured by Hades and taken to the underworld. The loss of her daughter upset Demeter very much, and she became very angry causing crops to die for an entire year. This resulted in a famine and prompted Zeus to command Persephone be returned. Hades agreed, but tricked Persephone into eating a pomegranate seed, which resulted in her having to return to the underworld for a portion of every year. Each year when Persephone goes to the underworld the land becomes barren, but when she returns, Demeter becomes happy and crops begin to grow again.


Demeter is one of the most important goddesses in Greek mythology. She is the goddess of fertility and agriculture, and is responsible for bringing harvests once a year. In the myth, Demeter is the mother of Persephone, who is abducted by Hades into the underworld. This causes Demeter to become so grief-stricken that she causes crops to die for an entire year, resulting in a famine. Zeus then commands Hades to return Persephone to Demeter, but Hades tricks her into eating a pomegranate seed, which means she must spend a portion of every year in the underworld.

Demeter is an important goddess for farmers and women, as she is the one who brings the harvests. Ancient Greeks believed that when Persephone went to the underworld, Demeter would become so upset that crops would die and the land would become barren, but when Persephone returned, Demeter would be happy and crops would begin to grow again. This is why Demeter is sometimes referred to as the “Goddess of the Seasons”.

4. Aphrodite

Aphrodite Who can’t help but know about Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love and Beauty. Aphrodite is symbolized by the dove, which is a bit ironic considering her title of the most beautiful was earned in a tumultuous way. The mythological story of Aphrodite’s beauty began when Eris, the Goddess of Strife, placed an apple that had the inscription, “to the fairest” at a wedding. Aphrodite, Hera, and Athena found the apple and wanted to know who it was for. When they asked Zeus he foresaw that a problem would occur if he answered. Therefore, Zeus gave the job of deciding the fairest to a mortal man name Paris. When Aphrodite promised Paris the most beautiful women in the world in return for the title, he chose Aphrodite. Coincidentally, the most beautiful woman was Helen, the wife of the King of Sparta. When she ran off with Paris while she was under Aphrodite’s influence, a ten year war ensued as the King tried to recapture her.


Aphrodite is one of the seven Greek goddesses that we will want to get to know. She is the goddess of love and beauty, and is often depicted with a dove, a symbol of peace. Aphrodite is said to be the most beautiful of all goddesses, and her beauty is said to have been earned in a tumultuous way.

The mythological story of Aphrodite’s beauty began when Eris, the Goddess of Strife, placed an apple with an inscription that said “to the fairest” at a wedding. Aphrodite, Hera, and Athena found the apple and wanted to know who it was for. When they asked Zeus, he foresaw that a problem would occur if he answered. Therefore, Zeus gave the job of deciding the fairest to a mortal man named Paris. When Aphrodite promised Paris the most beautiful woman in the world in return for the title, he chose Aphrodite. Coincidentally, the most beautiful woman was Helen, the wife of the King of Sparta. When she ran off with Paris while she was under Aphrodite’s influence, a ten year war ensued as the King tried to recapture her.

5. Eris

Eris Eris is the least likeable of all the goddesses. She is the Goddess of Strife, and discord, contention, and rivalry. It was her evil trick that prompted Aphrodite, Athena, and Hera to fight for the title of the fairest. If they had only known who had really planted the apple! Aside from playing mean spirited tricks, Eris was also responsible for calling forth war and discord. She and her brother Ares, the God of War, delighted in bringing about destruction.


Eris is the Greek Goddess of Strife and Discord. She is often depicted as a young woman holding a double-headed axe, which symbolizes her power to bring about contention and rivalry. Her most famous prank was to cause a dispute between Aphrodite, Athena, and Hera by planting an apple with the inscription “For the Fairest”. This caused the three goddesses to fight over who was the most beautiful, leading to the famous story of the Judgment of Paris.

Eris is also associated with war and destruction. She and her brother Ares, the God of War, were said to delight in causing destruction and chaos. In some stories, Eris is the one who instigates battles and causes chaos between two sides.

In modern culture, Eris is sometimes portrayed as a mischievous trickster figure. She is often used to symbolize the chaos and disruption that can come from disagreements. She is also used to represent the idea of a “troublemaker”, someone who causes disruption and strife in a group or situation.

6. Artemis

Artemis Although Artemis, another Greek goddess, had the ability send sudden plagues and death to mortals, she seems mild compared to Eris, especially since she could also heal. Artemis was the Goddess of Hunting, wild animals, and childbirth. She was often portrayed as living in the countryside, and was the twin sister or Apollo. In Ancient Greece there was an unusual festival celebrating Artemis called the festival of Braurunia. At this festival girls between five and ten years old would dress up as bears to appease Artemis.


Artemis is one of the most beloved Greek goddesses, and is known for her connection to the natural world. As the goddess of hunting, wild animals, and childbirth, she was often depicted in the countryside. She was the twin sister of Apollo, and was also believed to have the power to both heal and cause sudden plagues and death to mortals.

Artemis was a popular figure in Ancient Greece, and was celebrated in a unique festival known as the festival of Brauronia. During this festival, girls between the ages of five and ten would dress up as bears to honor Artemis. This ritual was believed to bring good luck and protection to the participants.

Artemis was often associated with the moon, and was considered a protector of young girls and women. She was also a symbol of virginity and chastity, and was often seen as a symbol of strength and independence.

In Greek mythology, Artemis is often depicted as a huntress, carrying a bow and arrow and accompanied by a pack of hunting dogs. She was also associated with nature, and was seen as a protector of wild animals and the wilderness.

7. Hestia

Hestia Hestia was the Goddess of the Hearth and Home. She was the first born of the Olympians and was also the gentlest and most charitable. Hestia was Zeus’ sister, and in return for her vow of chastity, Zeus gave Hestia the honor of presiding over human homes. Aside from this honor, Hestia also tended the fire in the hall of Olympus. Hestia was probably the most likeable of all the gods and goddesses.

The personalities of the Greek goddesses were as varied as the personality of humans, with Hestia perhaps being the nicest and Eris being the most troublesome. Learning about all of the myths surrounding these very different goddesses is fascinating. I am particularly fond of the myth surrounding Aphrodite’s title of the most beautiful. Which goddess most interests you?

ancientgreece.co.uk, theoi.com, ancienthistory.about.com


Hestia was the eldest of the 12 Olympian gods and goddesses, and was the daughter of Cronus and Rhea. She was the goddess of the hearth, home, and domestic life, and was also associated with the sacrificial flame and the right ordering of domesticity. Hestia was known for her generosity and hospitality, and was often called upon by other gods and goddesses for assistance. She was the only one of the Olympians who never left Olympus, and was known for being the most peaceful and gentle of the gods. Hestia was also the only goddess who was never married, as she chose to remain a virgin in order to remain devoted to tending the sacred flame.

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This article is with the bisness u all dig

why is it always 7?

Write a comment ...It's Apollo god of war Poseidon god of sea Dionysus god of celebration and wine god Hephaestus god of metal maker

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Loved this article. My favourite goddess is Artemis

Good job! I am from Greece and I believe that you selected very good images!

Great article!

I like this article very pleasing an can let you know who to pray to or call on when needed

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