17 Gifs That Perfectly Describe a Leo ...

By Heather21 Comments

17 Gifs That Perfectly Describe a Leo ...

I love Leos, my mom is one, my wife is one and I think that this particular sign is beautiful. Leos are so loyal, so generous, so encouraging and are confident as all get out. The bad about Leos? They can be domineering, melodramatic and just a little stubborn, however, this particular sign is one of my faves! Do these gifs describe all you Leos out there?

1 A Leo is Confident

A Leo is ConfidentNot cocky, confident and it's not a bad thing.

Frequently asked questions

2 You Can Be a Little Pretentious Leos

Well, you can.

3 You Are so, so Loyal

You'll never go anywhere or stray far from those that you love.

4 Oh, You Are Stubborn as All Get out

So. Frigging. Stubborn.

5 You'll Encourage Anyone and Everyone

You'll encourage everyone if you love them.

6 You're All a Bit Vain

Yep. That's you Blanche.

7 You're VERY Independent

You don't need anyone, you just WANT someone.

8 You Need to Have Control

All the time. Everywhere.

9 You Lift up Everyone's Spirit

You want everyone to be happy!

10 Most Leos Are Social Butterflies

You love crowds … most of the time and people.

11 Leos HATE Regular Routine

You can not stand when everything is the same all the time.

12 You're All Deeply Sensitive

You hate showing this side to anyone.

13 You Can Be Demanding, Face It, You Can Be Spoiled Too

Well. You can.

14 You Have a Large Ego Most of the Time

And it can be bruises easily.

15 Uber Protective

You love your friends, family and will do anything to protect them.

16 You Aren't All That Impulsive

You like to think everything out.

17 You Love Praise and Compliments

You thrive on them.

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