Life hacks are all about making life easier. From peeling a stubborn egg to curing brain freeze - there's a life hack for everything. See these genius 100 life hacks that'll give you all the skills you need to make it in this tricky first world .
Snapshot Survey
Snapshot Survey
1. If You’re Going to the Beach, Empty out a Lotion Bottle
Chances are no one will steal this from you and you can keep your stuff there while you’re in the water.
2. Having Trouble Telling if the Coffee is Fresh? Two Cups Are All You Need
I personally prefer Nespresso, but if you are still battling this type of machine, this life hack will be your life savor!
If you're not sure whether your coffee still has its peak flavor, simply brew two identical cups. One should be made with freshly ground coffee, and the other with your usual coffee. Give them both a taste test—the difference should be obvious. Fresh coffee will have a vibrant, rich flavor profile and an inviting aroma, unlike coffee that's been sitting out. This nifty trick quickly educates your palate, helping you become a connoisseur of your own coffee blends. Remember, your taste buds don't lie when it comes to freshness!
3. Use Bobby Pins to Get Every Last Bit of Toothpaste out
There's something about getting all of the toothpaste out of that tube. Oddly, a very satisfying feeling.
4. Remember for All Presentations
5. Know How to Tell if Your Eggs Are Fresh
6. Visa Gift Cards Work for Free Trials
This is genius! This is what I needed to use when buying a pass to test Kardashian websites!
7. Increase the Efficiency of Your Sandwich
8. Clear Nail Polish Will Keep Your Buttons from Falling off
This also works for embellished items, inexpensive jewelry etc. - you do not want to lose those Swarowski stones, do you?
9. Use Post-it Notes to Clean Gross Stuff out of Your Keyboard
Works like a charm every time. Genius hack!
10. Small Kitchen? Cutting Boards and Drawers Work Wonders
11. 13. Use the Spring from an Old Pen to save Your Charger
12. Can Openers Work Great for These Monstrosities
13. Vodka + Food Coloring = an Awesome Spring Break on a Cruise
Get creative with your drinks by adding a drop or two of food coloring to your vodka. It's the perfect way to amp up the fun on your spring break cruise - just imagine sipping on a bright blue or vibrant pink cocktail as you take in the ocean views. Not only will it make your drinks Instagram-worthy, but it can also help keep track of whose drink is whose. So gather your friends, pick your favorite hues, and toast to a vacation you'll never forget, with a personalized colorful twist on your usual vodka sip.
14. A Wet Paper Towel in the Freezer Will Cool down a Beer in Two Minutes
15. Bread Clips Could Salvage Broken Flip-flops
16. If You’re Traveling, Hide Emergency Money in a Chapstick Tube
Traveling can be an exciting adventure, but it can also be unpredictable and dangerous. That’s why it’s always a good idea to have some emergency money on hand in case of an unexpected event. But how can you keep your emergency money safe and accessible? One great way is to hide it in a chapstick tube.
A chapstick tube is small, lightweight, and easy to carry, making it perfect for hiding emergency money. The money can be rolled up and placed into the chapstick tube, and it will be secure and out of sight. The chapstick tube can be kept in a pocket, a purse, or a backpack, and it will be easily accessible in case of an emergency.
The chapstick tube can also be used to store other small items like paperclips, rubber bands, and coins. It’s a great way to keep items organized and easy to find. Plus, it’s a great way to save space in a bag or pocket.
17. Save Your Fingernails by Using Stapler Removers for Key Chains
18. Use Dryer Sheets to Remove Deodorant Stains
19. Never Waste the Nutella
20. Know How to Properly Reheat Your Food
21. Bacon. Freaking. Pancakes
In case you ever need to impress anyone with a morning breakfast.
22. No Flathead Screwdriver? No Problem
23. Know How to Reheat Your Pizza
24. Keep Your Chips Fresh
25. …and Your Pasta Fresh
26. …and Your Dorm Room Fresh
27. The Correct Way to Make a BLT
28. Boil Eggs with Ease
29. If You Struggle Carrying All Your Groceries - Struggle NO MORE
30. Always Losing Your Charger? Take Note of This
31. If You Want a Safer Place to Keep Your Headphones, You Could Always Try This
32. Pool Party Time? Look No Further
33. Make Your Glasses Case Even More Useful
34. Cleaning Life Hack
34. Parking Life Hack
35. Hygiene Life Hack
36. Flirting Life Hack
37. Tampon Life Hack
38. Drunk Life Hack
39. If You Put Your Phone in Airplane Mode, It Will Charge Twice as Fast
Do it while you’re in the shower in the morning — you’re not talking to anyone then, anyway.
40. The Little Arrow on Your Gas Gauge is There to Tell You What Side Your Gas Tank is on
41. Eat Cheetos or Doritos with Chopsticks to Keep the Dust off Your Fingers
42. Debone Your Chicken Wings like This: Pull the Cartilage at the End off, then Work out the Small Bone…
Then pull out the big bone
See more here.
43. Peel a Banana by Squeezing the Bottom and Pulling It Apart when It Cracks
No banana peel under your fingernails!
44. Fold Your Hoodie into a Wearable Computer Case
45. If Your Toilet is Overflowing and a Plunger Won’t Fix It, Turn This Knob Clockwise. It Will Stop the Flow of Water
46. Cure Brain Freeze by Pressing Your Tongue Firmly against the Roof of Your Mouth
47. Use Your Knuckles and the Spaces between Them to Calculate How Many Days Each Month Has
The months that fall on the knuckles have 31 days; the months that fall in the spaces have 30 (or 28, for February).
48. If You Rub a Walnut on Damaged Furniture, It Will Cover up the Dings
49. It’s Easier to Get into a Tight Parking Space by Backing into It than by Pulling Forward into It
The reason for this is because you have a wider turn radius when you’re moving forward.
(Source: Quora)
50. Cut This Part off of a Milk Jug: INSTANT DUSTPAN
51. Instead of Hammering Hooks into Walls, You Can Glue a Suction Cup to a Tennis Ball, and Cut a Small Part of It Open. Instant Everything Holder!
52. You Can Use a Dustpan to Fill a Container That Won’t Fit in the Sink
53. Putting Your Car Alarm Remote under Your Chin Increases Its Range
It turns out that all the fluids in your head make it a great antennae.
54. Blow Your Kids’ Minds by Making Heart-shaped Hard-boiled Eggs
All you need is a chopstick, rubber band, and milk carton. Learn how here.
55. You Can Also Make Equally Impressive Golden Eggs
It takes a little work, but the results are incredible. Learn how here.
56. Use a Pizza Cutter to Cut Pancakes into Toddler-sized Bites
Learn more here.
57. Surround Jelly with a Layer of Peanut Butter to Keep It from Spilling out of a PB&J Sandwich
Peanut butter jelly time! Learn more here.
58. Make an Eye-catching Addition to Your Hot Cocoa with Frozen Cool Whip and a Cookie Cutter
Find the recipe here.
59. You Can Also Use Cookie Cutters to Make Amazingly Shaped Pancakes — and Eggs
Order the ones seen above here.
60. Take This No-mess Snack on Road Trips
Find this and a few other great road trip snack ideas here.
61. Prepare a Mandarin Orange in Four Easy Steps for You to Eat
Learn how here.
62. Freeze Yogurt to Make Ice Pops You'll Love
Nothing to it. Learn more here.
63. Cook Family-sized Portions of Oatmeal in Your Rice Cooker
Because you’ve got better things to do than stand over the pot and watch it cook. Learn how here.
64. Stop a Popsicle from Dripping Everywhere with a Cleverly Placed Cupcake Liner
Find this hack and whole lot of other good stuff here.
65. GET in MY BELLAH!!!!!
66. Cut down on Messes by Serving Your Toddler’s Meals in an Ice Cube Tray
See more here.
67. Get Kids to Eat Veggies by Baking These Carrot Fries
Find the recipe here.
68. You Can Also Hide Veggies in Mac and Cheese
Your kids will have no idea there are pureed carrots in there. Learn how here.
69. Freeze Capri Sun Pouches Overnight to Make Perfect Summer Slushies
Learn more here.
70. Make Pancake Prep a Whole Lot Neater by Putting the Mix in a Ketchup Bottle
71. Speaking of Pancakes, It Takes Just Five Steps to Create a Teddy Bear Pancake That Will Impress Your Kids Big-time
Of course, if that’s too hard there’s an even easier way to make an impressive-looking teddy bear pancake
$7.73 isn’t much money to avoid a Pinterest fail. Order one here.
72. Coffee Creamer Containers Make Great on-the-go Storage for Your Snacks
73. Use a Straw to Easily Remove the Stem from a Strawberry
74. Freeze a Batch of PB&J Sandwiches Ahead of Time so You Don’t Have to Make Lunch Every Morning
The sandwiches will be good for four to six weeks, and be fully thawed and ready to eat by lunchtime. Learn more here.
75. Stop Your Brown Sugar from Turning Rock-hard by Throwing a Couple Marshmallows into the Bag
Sang An
Source: Marshmallow as Brown Sugar Softener
Weird, but it works! Learn how here.
76. Put Saran Wrap over the Top of a Cup to Seriously Cut down on Spills
77. Use Two Plates and a Serrated Knife to Cut a Dozen Grapes in Half in Mere Seconds
78. Put Watermelon Slices on Popsicle Sticks to Cut down on Messes
This will also make little kids less likely to drop their slice. See more here.
79. Another Great Option is to Cut Watermelon into These Perfect Mess-free Pieces
Learn how here.
80. You Can Ripen Bananas by Putting Them in the Oven
Sure beats waiting for days and days. Learn more here.
81. Sponges Can Be Used as DIY Lunchbox Ice Packs
These are much cheaper than regular ice packs, so it’s not a big deal if your kid loses one. Learn more here.
82. Keep Ice Cream Soft by Putting It in a Ziplock Bag
83. A Waffle Iron Can Be Used to Whip up Some Delightfully Crispy Hash Browns
84. The Packaging Oreos Come in Can Be Used to Make the Ultimate Way to Serve Milk and Cookies
85. One More Oreo Hack — Use a Fork to Dunk Your Oreos so That Your Fingers Don’t Get Messy
86. Lastly, Keep Cake from Going Stale with a Slice of Bread and Toothpicks
Because you want to make that birthday cake last as long as possible. Learn more here.
87. Wrap the Crown of a Bunch of Bananas with Plastic Wrap and They’ll Last 3-5 Days Longer than Usual
This trick is especially helpful if you eat organic bananas.
88. Look at the Top and Bottom Shelves at the Grocery Store—the Eye-level Ones Stock the Priciest Stuff
Thomas Hawk via Flickr /
Source: Flickr: thomashawk
Grocery stores put more expensive items on the shelves we see first, so look up and down to spot the deals.
89. Buy Chicken in Family Packs, Drop the Extras into Sealable Bags with Marinade, and Freeze
The marinated chicken will be damn flavorful, and you can just thaw them as you need them.
90. Use the Microwave to Dry Leftover Herbs
You’re never going to use all of that parsley before it starts it wilt. To preserve its color and flavor, place the herbs between two paper towels and microwave it for a minute or so. Get more info here.
91. If Your Milk is about to Expire, Use It to Make Milk and Cookie Cubes
Pour your morning coffee over them for a heavenly caffeine cocktail that even Starbucks can’t compete with.
92. Use a money-saving app like favado, which compares the prices of your shopping list across local stores
Get notified when new sale prices for your favorite items are added to local stores so you can know before you go.
93. To Store Delicate Herbs, Place Them in Cups of Water, Cover Them with Plastic Wrap, Secure with a Rubber Band, and Refrigerate
Use this trick on cilantro and parsley, and they’ll stay crisp for a week or longer.
94. Never Buy an over-ripened Avocado Again
Avocados aren’t cheap, so it’s soul-crushing when you get all the way home to slice open a half-brown sludge vessel. Make sure the avocado ~belly button~ isn’t brown and you’re good to go.
To know when an avocado is ripe, check for a few key signs. First, the skin should be dark green and slightly soft when you press it gently. Second, the stem should be slightly indented and easy to remove. Lastly, the “belly button” should not be brown. If it is, the avocado is overripe. If you get an overripe avocado, don’t throw it away. It can still be used in dishes like guacamole, where the taste and texture won’t be as noticeable. Avocados are a great source of healthy fats, fiber, and vitamins, so don’t miss out on their benefits. With these tips, you’ll never have to worry about buying an overripe avocado again.
95. Grate Your Own Cheese
Jay Davis via Flickr /
Source: Flickr: birdman
Just like with pre-packaged lettuce, grated cheese costs extra $$$ for the convenience. Grate a large hunk of cheese and keep it in a container in the fridge for easy sprinkling.
96. Wrap Celery, Broccoli, and Lettuce in Tin Foil before Storing in the Fridge
It’ll stay crisp for 4 weeks or more.
Wrapping vegetables like celery, broccoli, and lettuce in tin foil is a simple yet effective way to extend their freshness. The foil acts as a barrier to moisture and gases that can cause spoilage, helping to maintain the crispness and flavor. Just be sure to dry any excess moisture from the veggies before wrapping them up snugly. This trick is especially handy if you've got a busy schedule and prefer to shop less frequently. Enjoying crunchy greens anytime has never been easier. Remember, the key is in the tight wrap, so don't hesitate to give your veggies this little silver coat of freshness!
97. Section off Your Beef before Freezing It to Have Perfect Portion-sized Patties
Press a wooden skewer or pencil onto a meat-filled sealable baggy to divide and conquer.
By pre-marking your portions, you effortlessly create individual patties without the hassle of thawing and refreezing. Just snap off a pre-sized piece for a meal, and keep the rest frozen solid. This technique not only streamlines your meal prep but also reduces waste by ensuring you use only what you need. Perfect for those impromptu BBQs or quick family dinners. Plus, it helps maintain meat quality by minimizing exposure to air and reducing freezer burn. Keep those burger nights easy and efficient with this savvy storage method!
98. Freeze Leafy Greens and Use Them in Your Smoothie
They’ll give your smoothie a slightly slushy consistency. Plus, sneaking a serving a greens into your AM can’t hurt.
99. And Finally, if You’re a Lightweight Who Can’t Finish a Bottle of Wine, Freeze the Leftovers in an Ice Cube Tray
The next time a recipe calls for a little wine, drop in a cube and start cooking.
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