7 Fun Things to Start Collecting Right Now ...

By Kearstie16 Comments

So I’ve been trying to come up with some things to start collecting. I don’t know about you, but I’ve always been a bit jealous of people who have a collection that they’re passionate about. It looks like fun! Plus, they usually have an impressive display somewhere in their home, and everyone always knows what to get them on their birthday or for holidays. So I’ve decided to start a collection of… something. Here are some things to start collecting I’ve come up with so far, in case you’d like to start a collection of your very own.

1 Snow Babies

Snow BabiesThis kind of collection I have some experience with, as both my mother and grandmother collect Snow Babies. And I can see why: they’re adorable, there’s a seemingly endless amount, and they’re not too expensive. They have the normal little statues, as well as Christmas tree ornaments, and my grandmother even has a little village. If you’re looking for things to start collecting, these are a really cute option, and are great decorations all winter long.

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2 Old Classic Books

If you’re a book lover, like me, you probably have a few overflowing shelves. These shelves are filled with tattered, well-loved books with dog-eared pages. That, my friends, is already considered a collection. But if collecting books isn’t enough, you may want to consider clearing off a shelf or two, and starting to gather up some old classic books. You know the kind I mean, with the gold rimmed pages, the beautiful, hardback binding, and that amazing old book smell. These books, filled with classic stories known all over the world, would make a beautiful collection.

3 Charms for a Charm Bracelet

Charm bracelets have been very in style for the past few years, but they are not a new thing. Rather, they are an old fashion staple, brought back into the magazines by companies like Swarovski and Pandora. If you like the look of dangly, shiny charms, start collecting from Swarovski’s charm collection; they’re vibrant and stunning little crystal-covered charms. If you’re not into things dangling heavily off of your wrist, stick to Pandora. Their charm bracelets are more subdued, but the charms are equally fun to collect.

4 Shot Glasses

This is more of a traveling tradition in my group of friends, but it definitely counts as a collection. Whenever you go somewhere new, buy a shot glass. It can denote its place of origin, or it can just be witty or funny. Pretty soon, people will notice, and they’ll start bringing you home shot glasses when they go somewhere, too. This is by far one of the least expensive things to collect, and will bring you lots of laughs.

5 Lenox Christmas Ornaments

This is another one of my mother’s collections, and every year I stare at the tree in wonder. Lenox is pricey, but their Christmas ornaments are affordable and beautiful. These ornaments will make your tree look simply elegant. It’s one of those collections that start small, with one or two ornaments a year, and will grow over time into a stunning collection. Just be careful when hanging Lenox ornaments on your tree, as they can be kind of heavy, and need to go on a strong branch or near the top.

6 Pretty Stones

This one is for you nature lovers, who appreciate the beauty of the great outdoors. Pretty stones can be both found and bought. You can get them on your travels, at jewelry stores, and at fairs. I’ve found the most beautiful stones sold inexpensively at New Age stores, as well. New Age stores are also great to find books on these stones, which can help you decipher what they are, and what kinds of healing and magical properties they are said to contain. Collecting pretty stones is inexpensive and leads to a beautiful display. Plus, who knows… maybe amethyst really does help with healing!

7 Decorative Wine Glasses

Of all the collections I’ve named, this is the one I will probably move forward with, personally. Decorative wine glasses are pretty, fun, and not too pricey. You can choose to display them, drink from them on special occasions, or both. I love the look of hand-designed wine glasses, and even have a few, already. Lolita is my favorite wine glass designer; they design glasses for every occasion, and their designs are festive and feminine. This is definitely a collection I plan to start this year.

Collections can be fulfilling and beautiful. Displayed, they will serve to reflect your personality into your home in a way normal decorations do not. Have you ever considered starting a collection? Will you use one of my ideas, or start a brand new collection of your own?

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