8 Fun Things to do with Your New Puppy ...

By Ashlee

8 Fun Things to do with Your New Puppy ...

Needing ideas for what to do with your furry friend? When you are welcoming a new puppy into your family there are several adventures the two of you can go on together. Making sure you enjoy time with your four-legged is essential. Take a look at these 8 things to do with your new puppy!

1 Dog Parks

Enjoy the sunshine and take your dog out for a day at the park. This can be a learning opportunity for your dog on how to interact with other people and their dogs. Your dog may be excited to be social and play with other dogs. This also gets them in the outdoors and provides a large space to run. Some dog parks even have small ponds which your dog can cool off in.

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2 Dog Festivals

Take a stroll through an outside festival with your pup. You can meet vendors, vets, and other pet owners. This is a way to find out what is going on in your community pet related. You may leave with new pet food ideas or new dog toys.

3 Tricks

There are several tricks you can teach your dog. It is important they learn that you are in charge as their owner. Even teaching them something such as how to walk on a lease will help you. There are companion breeds that aim to please. If however your puppy is resistant try getting other dog owners or trainers advice.

4 Exercise

Exercise will be beneficial for you and your dog. Research your dogs breed to find out how much exercise they need. Some breeds require a heavy amount of activity while others do not. In general walking is always helpful to both you and your dog.

5 Restaurants

There are pet friendly restaurants now where you and your dog can chill and eat outside. This is another great way to spend time with your dog instead of having to leave them at home. Look for pet friendly restaurants in your town. There are also pet friendly hotels where you and your dog can take a vacation to.

6 Trips

If you want to travel with your dog look for nature places where your dog can be. For example some dog friendly beaches or forests. Make sure to consider how you are going to transport your dog whether they go in a crate or car ride. There are ways to crate train your dog so that they are not afraid of being in a crate.

7 Socializing

Another way to spend time with both your family and your puppy are to bring the two together. Your family may love the time they get to spend bonding with the puppy. Pets provide unconditional love, and they are fun to be around. If you are going to leave your puppy with your family make sure your family members know what your dog can and cannot eat.

8 Explore

Take your puppy for car rides, take several pictures of your puppy, and continue to spend time with it as they grow older. The companionship between humans and dogs is a very strong bond. Be there for them and they will be there for you. Have fun showing your puppy the world and seeing it with them.

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