7 Exciting Reasons to Live in a City ...


7 Exciting Reasons to Live in a City ...
7 Exciting Reasons to Live in a City ...

There are an innumerable number of reasons to live in a city. If you remember the TV show from the 60s‘Green Acres,’ you’ll realize the debate over whether city living or country dwelling is best has been around for as long as cities have been! If you're flipping and flopping between urban and rural living, following is a list of reasons to live in a city for you to consider.

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The Arts

While many of us say we love the arts, few of us partake in them as much as we would like. Why is that? One of the best reasons to live in a city is that you can take the number of gallery openings, art museums, theatres, children arts events, dance companies, art classes, opera, blues clubs, etc.,etc., etc. and multiply them…by a lot! The bottom line is the arts thrive on audience participation. When the audiences are smaller, so are the opportunities. Also, with more opportunities comes more competition and lower prices! While you may not be able to see a Broadway play every week, you may be able to see an off-off Broadway play once or twice a month and maybe more if you hit the TKTS booth and aim for some matinees. Why not start the second part of your life as an Arty?



If you are in a smaller town without a car, your options are limited. Possibilities are to hitch a ride, hope for a bus when you need one, bike it, or walk it. Taxi cabs may be more expensive,since there are less of them than in a larger city. In the city, you have all the options you can imagine depending on the city, from subways to sky trains, taxis galore to buses abundant, trolleys, and even bikes for rent. Since buildings are closer, many city dwellers walk it, giving you an opportunity for exercise and to save money as you get to your destination.

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Job Opportunities

The number of companies, from established to start-ups is staggering compared to many smaller towns. One statistic quoted that 80% of jobs go unposted. In that case, jump into a business that strikes your fancy, have your resume in hand, and be ready to wow them. You may need to leave your comfort zone when jumping into a different job, but isn’t that what a move to the city is all about?



Overall, the diversity that can be found in cities is greater than can be found in most small towns. This is the beauty of greater numbers of human beings in one space. The diversity of people, food, neighborhoods, and languages is inspiring. Somehow, it weaves the fabric of many colors into one beautiful blanket covering the city.


School Choices

When in a city, you have many choices of where to send your children to go to school. We aren’t just talking about public versus private here, although that’s an option. There are home schooling groups, church-based schools, numerous public schools in one geographic space, charter schools, gifted schools, boarding schools, and yes, private schools. Depending on you and your child’s wants and needs, finding a school to fit your goals is right at your fingertips!

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Plethoras of Possibilities

What to do this weekend? In a small town, this question can come up when trying to think of something to do when little seems available. In a big city, the issue is what choice to make from the abundant pages of options in the free newspapers. Do you feel like seeing a sporting event? Going to a parade? Visiting some of the natural wonders of the area (Think Stanley Park, Central Park, and the Lake Michigan shore)? Going to a street fair? A music fest? A charity event? Some serious shopping, window or otherwise? The only limitation is the clock and your energy level!


Food Costs

Believe it or not, the food costs in cities are often much less than in small towns. Perhaps this is because of the greater competition, or from the fact that a lot of larger cities are hubs for food distributors. Either way, you can get fresh seafood, vegetables, ethnic food, and (woo woo!) delivered groceries,often at a much lower cost.

There are many reasons to love city living, if that’s your mindset. While there can be downsides to either country or city living, choosing the right one for you will open up doors and windows of possibilities and insights into your true self!

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I've been living in michigan my whole life and I'm really hoping that my fiancé gets a job in New York. Although he can make a better living in michigan, I'm just not happy here, and I think New York will give me a fresh start

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