10 Exceptionally Sound Reasons You Should Post Blog Comments ...

Neecey Dec 5, 2011

Blog Comments are the modern day equivalent of letters to the editor. There never used to be such a public forum to share thoughts and ideas or pass comments on issues of interest other than the local newspaper or over a glass of a little something in an alehouse. Blogs have introduced a new way to communicate and blog comments add a certain frisson to their attraction. Think of it as commenting on other people’s amusing, thoughtful or shocking Facebook or Twitter updates, but with a lot more beneficial side effects. Blogs give way to a useful and fun online community, and posting blog comments is a foot-in-the-door to get people noticing you! That’s just one of the 10 Exceptionally Sound Reasons You Should Post Blog Comments. So go ahead and get involved with two mantras in mind: read and comment, comment and read!

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1. Fun

There are tons of blogs out there in the ole , and some are certain to catch your interest. Commenting on their work and sharing your opinion can be tons of fun as you interact and joke around with people from all over the world. Writing and responding to blog comments are fun activities, and they can increase your exposure!

2. Quick

However long it takes for you to type 1-10 words, commenting is as quick as that! It’s just a matter of click, comment, click, done. Your word has been spread.

3. Easy

All it is, is giving or responding to feedback about a blog. Blog comments software makes writing a comment so simple you’ll hardly notice you’ve helped bring attention to yourself and your own blog.

4. Karma

Bloggers love to read comments and if you happen to say something interesting on theirs, it’s more likely they’ll read your blog and send you a comment in return! It’ll up your blog’s rating and make you feel good! Good ole karma.

5. Self-serving

Moving on from the last good reason you should leave blog comments, is it helps give you more followers. By commenting and spreading your name across the web, you could get the attention of some pro bloggers, and that could lead to all sorts of opportunities for the future.

6. Debates

Someone says something you disagree with on a comments thread? There’s no harm in sharing your opinion (as long as you’re not a filthy troll though plzkthnx), and strike up a debate. Debating with other people who you don’t know is a great way to open up your mind as well as practice your skills in persuasion. Knowing how to argue properly, (as in state your point and defend it, rather than ONLINE SHOUTING, WHICH LOOKS A BIT LIKE THIS), is a key skill in any profession. Blogs are a great place to form debates about stuff you like, and that’s definitely a sound reason to post comments.

7. Klout

If you’re into it, then posting blog comments will certainly up your Klout points. Merely by getting your name and words out there, on several different blogs, commenting with several different ideas will get your ratings up. Hopefully someone pro could notice you for Klout score. If not, at least you’ve got a handy idea of how much you’re circulating around the net.

8. Flexible

It’s just commenting, it’s not a weekly column which you have to produce whilst being hassled by your editor boss even though you need to do this for him or that for her and you just don’t have enough time to do anything even use punctuation or stuff and think straight argh! Posting blog comments is beneficial, but you only need to do it on your terms. In your own time, whenever it suits your timetable. There’s no harm in not posting comments if you’re too busy, but when you can, it’ll continue building your online repertoire

9. Chit Chat

All blog comments don’t have to be solely about the blog itself. Commenting is a great way of springing up interesting conversations between people. Having a little online chat with like-minded bloggers can be your valuable and unique 15 minutes of carefree talk!

10. Writing

It will improve your writing. Seriously, the more you write the better you get at it because it’s just a simple matter of practice, practice, practice. If you want a career in pro-blogging or any sort of online career, posting blog comments aid your ability to write short and to the point snippets for anyone to read. Don’t be shy, and get writing!

Posting blog comments is a great way of upping your internet presence. Blog comments are a quick and easy way to see a blog’s success. So if you scratch another blog’s back, it’ll scratch yours and satisfy that itch for internet attention and fame! Of course, it’s also just fun for amateurs and non-bloggers. So go ahead, comment on this 10 Exceptionally Sound Reasons You Should Post Blog Comments! It might just get you noticed.

Top Photo Credit: weheartit.com

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this has inspired me to leave a comment on this post! hahah keep up the good work AWS :)

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