7 Effective Exercises to Overcome Writer's Block ...

By Megan

Are you looking for exercises to overcome writer’s block? Writer’s block manifests in many different forms. Have you lost interest in the plot or characters of your story? Are you having trouble writing out one particular scene in your work? Writer’s block can be very challenging to overcome. Be patient, because it does take some time. Here are seven exercises to overcome writer’s block.

1 Read More

There are many exercises to overcome writer’s block, and the main one (and probably the most effective one) is to read. Read, read, read... and then read some more. If you’re struggling to write, take a step back from your work and read instead. Take note of marvelous words, different writing styles, and tones when you read. Read widely and read well.

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2 Take a Break from Writing

This might not be the advice you are looking for (especially if you have a writing deadline that's fast approaching), but taking a break from writing is something that you should take into consideration when you find that you have come to a standstill with your work. Ideally, writing should come naturally. The right words might not come to you as soon as you sit down, but don’t force them. Give yourself a reasonable amount of time to try to write something (like an hour or so) and if it feels like you’re pulling teeth, stop. Take a break. Go hiking, take a stroll in the park, or read a book.

3 Purchase a Creative Writing Book

I find that creative writing books help a lot whenever I’m struggling to write something. There are a lot of books out there that talk about the craft. "642 Things to Write About" by The San Francisco Writers’ Grotto is a good one to check out. Who is your favourite author? Chances are that they have written a book about writing.

4 Do Some Creative Writing Exercises

There are many different creative writing exercises to get the juices flowing. A simple exercise that you can do is to purchase a postcard. Then, write a story about a fictitious vacation that you took based on the location depicted on the postcard. Does someone accompany you on this vacation? Use your imagination for this creative writing exercise. You can look online for more ideas like this one.

5 Set up a Writing Schedule

Treat your writing like a job. Create a schedule for yourself. Set deadlines, and specific daily word count goals. Take your writing seriously. This will create healthy pressure for you and will motivate you to keep writing.

6 Change/Adjust Your Writing Atmosphere

Perhaps the reason why you are struggling to write is because your workspace is physically uncomfortable. Is your chair uncomfortable? Take a good look at your workspace. If you feel that your space is affecting your work, change to a new location or adjust your writing atmosphere.

7 Take on Different Writing Projects

Change it up. Take on a project that’s outside of your comfort zone. Work with a new partner on a project. Talk to people about ideas, and take constructive criticism into consideration. Experience new things, grow, and have fun with it.

That was seven exercises to overcome writer’s block. Do you have any other helpful tips? If so, please share them in the comments section. Keep on writing!

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