9 Clever Tips for a Great Vacation ...


9 Clever Tips for a Great Vacation ...
9 Clever Tips for a Great Vacation ...

Tips For A Great Vacation are going to come in handy this summer season! I love to go on vacation to exotic locations, but it can get pretty expensive! Even if you plan to go somewhere local, money can add up quickly. Especially if you have children. So i've written this article with some great vacation tips for you to put to good use this summer! Whether you're looking to save money, avoid the crowds, or make better use of your time off, this article has it all! So please keep reading for more tips for a great vacation!

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Get a Game Plan

Everyone always says that they simply want to do nothing on their vacation but relax and lay around. And that's perfectly fine! If that's what you plan to do, no worries. But if you do have anything else going on during your vacation, such as a trip to Sea-world, or meeting up with your in-laws for dinner at the lodge, make sure you get a game plan of the days you want to do these activities on. That way, you won't be stressed out on your vacation trying to plan who does what, at which location, and what time!


Choose a Budget

This vacation tip is one that I can't stress enough! When you're on vacation, it's so easy to go over-budget because you're enjoying yourself and not paying attention. A good idea is to decide ahead of time how much money you can spend on the vacation. Make all of your reservations, get everything in order, then take the remainder of your budget only in cash. That way, as you're spending it on meals, souvenirs and other small items, you will know when it's getting close to running out!


Check Online

The best tip for a great vacation I can give you is to check online for deals prior to making any arrangements. You can often find suites, cabins, and lodges at amazing prices, as well as tickets to go to any local attraction for at least a 10-20% discount. Some places even have coupons you can print off of their websites! So do a little research for the area you plan to vacation in.


Ask about Discounts

When you call to make reservations for something you plan to do on your vacation, always ask about discounts! Many popular vacation places offer 10% discounts if you're a local! Other discounts include military, senior citizen, group rates or off-season passes. Some hotels even offer 3rd or 5th nights free if you stay 3 to 5 consecutive nights in a row!


Pack a Picnic

I love to pass on this tip for planning a vacation to families with small children, or families on a very tight budget. Pack a picnic lunch! Whether you are heading to the zoo, the beach, or a day of sightseeing, a picnic will be a refreshing break, and a lot of fun in a new location! Another idea would be to grill out or build a bonfire. Just be sure to choose a location that allows that sort of thing.

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Bring Backup Entertainment

Everyone always sets off on their vacation picturing the bluest skies and the brightest of sunshine. But, let's face it, sometimes things don't go as planned. Your reservations may get canceled due to overbooking, or the rain may ruin your day out on the lake. It's a good idea to bring along a few family favorite movies, board games, coloring books and puzzles as back up entertainment! And who knows, after a long day of playing golf or shopping, a movie might be just the thing to unwind with in your hotel room!


One for the Road

Are you planning a road trip for your big family vacay this year? If you live in an area that has great getaway locations nearby, go for it! That vacation tip is a no-brainer! But don't forget to pack a few things for the road. Music, magazines or books and snacks are always a plus. If you have small kids, stories on CD and small toys will keep them entertained and you sane! And a cooler with drinks is great to bring along and stash in your hotel room.


Include Everyone

One of my top tips for planing a vacation is to remember everyone in your family. If your husband doesn't like water, steer clear of beachside getaways. If your daughter is scared of heights, a mountain hike isn't a great idea. Do something fun for the whole family so you can all enjoy yourself! Also, don't forget the fine art of compromise. A little give and take might balance the whole vacation out just right!


Go at the Right Times

One final vacation tip I'd love to leave you with is this: Schedule your vacation for the right times! If you go in the off season, chances are you will get better prices and fight smaller crowds. Do some research on the best time of year for the place you would love to visit a far as weather. You don't want to be rained or snowed out!

I hope these clever Tips For A Great Vacation have been an extreme help to you! I know that sometimes vacations can end up being more of an exhausting time than a relaxing time, but with these swell vacation tips, you shouldn't have to worry about that! I love hearing from my readers, so please comment below? Do you have any fabulous or great vacation tips to remember?

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