Before You Snooze Make Sure You do These 7 Things ...

Valencia May 12, 2015

After a busy, long day the only thing you want to do is jump into bed and get some shuteye. But before hitting the light switch, here are a few things you should do before snoozing.

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What's your favorite way to relax after a long day?

1. Squeeze in a Short Five-minute Workout

Every little bit of exercise counts, especially if you're trying to drop a few pounds or tone muscles. But if your hectic life makes it hard to squeeze in physical activity, exercising a few minutes before bedtime might fit your schedule. Of course, this depends on your makeup. Some people feel exercising before bed is too stimulating, while others say they sleep better. You have to do what works for you. This might include squats, crunches, lunges or running in place.

2. Schedule or Plan Your Next Day

A schedule might seem restrictive, but if you're always running behind or if you can never complete your work in a 24-hour period, maybe the problem is poor scheduling. Before closing your eyes for the night, plan out your next day. Include any activities or errands you need to do before or after work.

3. Lay out Your Clothes and Pack Your Lunch

If the mornings are always hectic, do yourself a favor and prepare as much as possible the night before. This includes laying out the clothes you plan to wear and packing your lunch so you don't have to spend money outside the office. As a tip, put a note on your front door as a reminder to grab your lunch from the fridge.

4. Remove Your Makeup for Healthier Skin

I can't tell you the number of times I've been lying in bed ready to go to sleep and then realized I was wearing makeup. Getting out of bed to remove makeup is one of the hardest things to do, but going to bed wearing makeup increases our risk for breakouts. To make the task a bit easier, purchase makeup remover wipes in a resealable package. In just a few swipes you can remove your makeup in under a minute.

5. Check Your Bedroom for Any Irritating Noise

Even the slightest noise coming into your bedroom can disrupt your sleep. Before going to bed, listen carefully to make sure the faucet isn't dripping in the bathroom, and unplug any electronic device with a low humming or buzzing sound. If you live near a busy street, pick up ear plugs the next time you're at the drugstore. This can block most sounds and help you sleep soundly.

6. Apply Moisturizer to Face and Hands

Our face and hands are always exposed and take a beating throughout the day. As you're getting ready for bed, apply moisturizer to your face and hands (or your whole body). This routine keeps your skin hydrated and reduces the appearance of fine lines.

7. Prepare Your Mind for Sleep

You might need more than five minutes to do this. About 30 minutes or one hour before bed, turn off the TV and electronic devices. Use this time to unwind quietly in the bed or pull out a book until your eyes get tired.

Having a nighttime ritual can help you sleep better, and it can get your next day off to a good start. What are other things to do before going to bed?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

yes making sure your bedroom is peacefully quiet is a great idea. exercising before bed is a no no for me.

Make sure to remove your contacts too!

Your posts are the best! My favorite writer on AWT

Dont forget to brush and floss its a must

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