30 Awesome Things to do before You Turn 30 ...

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30 Awesome Things to do before You Turn 30 ...

I turned 29 last month and couldn't believe that 30 is just around the corner. When you are younger you dream of all the things you'll do before you turn 30 and when you finally do turn 30 or just before it you realize you still have so many things to cross off that to-do list. I'm hoping to inspire myself and you as well with these 30 Awesome Things to Do Before You Turn 30 so that next year we can compare our dream to-do list with what actually happened...

1 Travel to Paris before You Turn 30...

It's the romance capital of the world, a fashionista's dream location to shop, full of history and world famous monuments, and cuisine that many chefs would love to learn the recipes for. You hear about couples sipping coffee or eating macarons together and you dream about getting engaged by the Eiffel Tower. When Carrie on Sex and the City went to Paris you were jealous but happy for her like she was your best friend. It's on the top of your things to do before you turn 30 list and it's one of the dreams you hope to accomplish, but even if you don't make it there by 30 you know that some day you will.

Frequently asked questions

2 Work at Your Dream Job before You Turn 30...

Right now you are working at a job that just pays the bills or you are working your way up the ladder to get to where you've always wanted to be. But sometimes it just feels like you will never get to work at your dream job and you have high hopes to do it before you turn 30. Push yourself, be inspired, go back to school if you need to, and believe that you will get there. You are never too late to dream, change your life, or learn new skills to start working at your dream career. It may take time, long hours of studying through the night, and be stressful at times, but when you have finally reached your goal the feeling will be amazing!

3 Volunteer for a Cause before You Turn 30....

You donate to charity, you volunteer at local events, give blood, but you've always wanted to volunteer for a cause that it close to your heart. It can take time to raise money for a walk, or to ask friends or neighbors to help out with your cause, but don't let that hold you back. Penny by penny, donation after donation, you will get there. Sometimes it's the excuses that hold us back the most, but when it's one of the things you want to do before you turn 30, you know you have to start setting your goals to actually get things done and crossed off your to-do list.

4 Visit All 50 States before You Turn 30...

You've traveled to a few other states besides the one you live in but you've always dreamed that before you turned 30 you would have visited all 50 states. There are so many things to see across the country like national monuments, beaches, wineries, parks, mountain tops, and even theme parks. You don't have to see all of the states in one trip but you hope at some point you will get the chance to see every state.

5 Take a Big Road Trip before You Turn 30...

So you might not live in the states, but you've been dreaming of taking a big road trip before you turn 30. You've been wanting to see the country side of Italy or England and just enjoy driving while the music is playing loud, the windows are rolled down, and your best girl is riding shot gun! Pack for days, bring your favorite tunes and sunglasses, and get ready to stop at random places and find hidden spots along the way that you've never heard of before. Make this the road trip of a lifetime!

6 Travel Solo before You Turn 30...

At this point in your life you may feel like you need to go on a journey to find yourself, make changes in your life, or discover what life is really all about. Traveling solo is a great experience and something you might want to do before you turn 30. After 30 you have so many things planned like starting a family, going back to school, or starting a new career, so before you make big life changes traveling by yourself to see places you've never been to before will be an experience that will benefit yourself and others.

7 Get a Passport before You Turn 30...

I hear about so many people who have the opportunity to travel the world and think, "Wow I've never been out of the United States!". I might not get the chance to visit Paris or Italy before 30, but I would like to get a passport and maybe go to Canada or the Caribbean before I turn 30. It's a good thing just to have one even if you don't get the chance to travel outside of the country before you turn 30, who knows you might just want to pick up and get on a plane!

8 Fall in Love before You Turn 30...

When I was younger I wasn't sure where my love life would take me, but I always dreamed of getting married or falling in love before I turned 30. Why 30...who knows! Some of us set an age for ourselves for things we would like to do and accomplish, but even if you reach that age and you haven't found love yet, doesn't mean you won't find love at 40, 50, 60, or older. For those who haven't fallen in love, let yourself fall and don't hold back.

9 Buy Your First Home before You Turn 30...

You been renting since you moved out of your parent's house and have always wanted a home to call your own before you turned 30. Owning your own home means that you can paint the walls, remodel the bathroom, add on a deck for the perfect barbeque, and have enough space to plan a dinner party. After owning your own home you will feel like everything else like planning a family, gathering for holidays, and making traditions will fall into place.

10 Have a Baby before You Turn 30...

It's never too late to start planning a family, but 30 can be a turning point for knowing whether you still want to have a baby or if you are happy with the family you have already created. Having a baby is a big life change and may put other things you want to do before you turn 30 or even after on hold. But if you are planning to extend your family having your first baby sometime before 30 may be a good idea so you can plan to have your second child four or five years later.

11 Go to NYC for New Year's Eve before You Turn 30...

People from around the world go to NYC for the big Time's Square Rockin' Eve ball drop. They fill the streets for one of the biggest televised parties with celebrities like Dick Clark, Ryan Seacrest, Jenny McCarthy, and Lady Gaga. It looks crazy and crowded, but it also looks like fun and I would love to experience it! It's an awesome thing to do before you turn 30 that you can do after 30 but you may not really be up for it after that!

12 Learn about Your Family Genealogy before You Turn 30...

I've always wanted to find out more about my family's genealogy and where both sets of my grandparents were born and what countries my ancestors are from. After watching NBC's "Who Do You Think You Are", which is about celebrities learning and finding out about their own genealogy, I've been even more fascinated with discovering who my family was and what secrets I could uncover. This is a great project to do before you turn 30 so you continue to explore where your family came from.

13 Take a How to Class before You Turn 30...

Whether it's for a hobby, to learn a new life skill, to advance in your job, or just because, there are many how to classes you can learn from and be inspired by for that jump start you need before you turn 30. Are you hoping to learn a new language, how to dance the waltz, or maybe you would like to sew or cook Italian? Make it fun and interesting by going to a how to class with friends, your significant other, or make it just about you and go solo.

14 Write a Book before You Turn 30...

Are you an inspiring writer or journalist, or perhaps you just have an interesting story and would like to share it with the world. Writing a book can be a wonderful thing to do before you turn 30 to open up your mind and your soul by putting your emotions on paper. Writing a book doesn't have to be about getting famous and making money, it can be about the journey of writing and the experience you feel when you put your thoughts down on paper.

15 Get a Tattoo before You Turn 30...

Tattoos may not be for everyone, but if you are considering getting a tattoo it can be a fun night out with the girls if this is one of those things you want to do before you turn 30! You are never too old to get a tattoo, but sometimes after you turn 30 there are some things you just cross off your list and think it's not for you any more. So before you turn 30 and start changing your mind go out and get a tattoo!

16 Meet Someone New before You Turn 30...

I love blogging and getting to know other bloggers and women who are moms, business owners, writers, etc. and would love to some day meet them all in person. If you have always wanted to travel more this would be a great way to cross two items off your list of things to do before you turn 30! Meeting other women who inspire you or share the same interest as you can be empowering and help move you in the right direction.

17 Live Healthier before You Turn 30...

In your twenties you have more of a care free attitude about your health so you drink, smoke, eat junk food and don't really pay attention to eating fruits, vegetables, and drinking more water and less beer. But as you get older you realize that perhaps one of the most important things you should do before you turn 30 is live a healthier, more fit life. This doesn't mean you have to be at the gym every day, but you should exercise, get your vitamins, and eat less late night snacks so that when you have children or travel the world you will be up for the challenge!

18 Buy an Expensive Handbag or Pair of Heels before You Turn 30...

You are pretty wise about how you spend your money and usually only shop when there are sales or when you really need something. But you've always wanted that Coach handbag that would look great with everything or a pair of those fabulous Christian Louboutin red bottomed heels. So why not treat yourself before you turn 30 with that great investment piece that will look great when you go traveling or to that job interview that you have high hopes for!

19 Read a Classic Book before You Turn 30...

There are quotes and scenes from classic books like The Grapes of Wrath, The Great Gatsby, Wuthering Heights, The Color Purple and many more that people tend to mention in conversation as you become a sophisticated adult and leave the life of a young adult behind. Reading these classics before you turn 30 will keep you in the know at parties and gatherings you might attend as you get older and you won't feel left out.

20 Watch a Classic Movie before You Turn 30...

Classic movies are right along the lines of classic novels, people love to joke, quote, and talk about big scenes and one liners from movies like "Casablanca", "Gone with the Wind", "Bonnie and Clyde", and many more. I hate when people mention these movies and I haven't seen them or they think I'm "too young" to understand, which is why watching classic movies is on my list of things to do before I turn 30!

21 See Your Favorite Band before You Turn 30...

Concerts can get pretty crazy and if your favorite band isn't one that plays at local events, you may want to see them at the big arena before you turn 30 so you can get wild and crazy just like the rest of the fans! This is also a fun thing to do before you turn 30 because after this amazing experience you'll want to continue to check out other bands and singers for many birthdays to come!

22 Make a Family Tradition before You Turn 30...

As you get older so do the ones you love like your parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. so before you turn 30 you should make a family tradition that everyone will enjoy together. Start a tradition with your family before you turn 30 and you will have many more years with them around to go camping, swimming at the beach, or just enjoying a barbeque together every year on the 4th of July!

23 Forgive Someone before You Turn 30...

It can be difficult to forgive someone who has treated you horribly, cheated on you, stole from you, or wasn't there for you when you needed them most. But it can be even more difficult to live with hatred in our hearts as we get older. Life can change in a matter of seconds and we really shouldn't take anything or anyone for granted. You don't have to like this person again, but one thing to do before you turn 30 to clear your heart and soul is forgive someone who has wronged you.

24 Go to the Ellen Show before You Turn 30...

I've never been to a talk show before to sit with the live audience and thought, "Which talk show host would be the coolest to see for my list of things to do before you turn 30?". Well who could be cooler than Ellen! My stepdaughters love watching The Ellen Show when they come home from school and no matter who the guests are the show is always entertaining because Ellen is the host! Next time I'm in California I'm making a date with Ellen!

25 Throw a House Party before You Turn 30...

I'm not just talking about any old dinner party, I'm talking about a big house party where you can let loose, dance all night, dress up in theme, relax, and not have a care in the world! After you turn 30 life seems to start feeling more serious; you settle down, you think about having kids, and some things you wanted to do before you turned 30 aren't things you want to do any more. Let's not forget, after a big house party there is always a big house to clean up!

26 Learn How to DIY a Craft before You Turn 30...

We have finished school, we're done training for our job, but we still want to learn something new because our minds are always busy and filled with wonder. Learning a new DIY craft before you turn 30 can be a wonderful experience for you to pass down and to enjoy with your friends, family, and children. My two stepdaughters and I just learned how to crochet and really enjoy it as something we do to relax and hang out together.

27 See a Broadway Show before You Turn 30...

There are some things you want to do before you turn 30 that have been a dream of yours since you were little and walking down the streets of Times Square in New York City to see a Broadway show is on the top of your list! So grab your best gal or your significant other and don't stop until you hit NYC! The experience of seeing a show on Broadway is like no other along with the atmosphere of NYC; it is a must see!

28 Ride on a Motorcycle before You Turn 30...

Safety first! I've only been on a motorcycle once, but it was a thrilling experience that I'll never forget. It's almost like the first time you went on a roller coaster when you were a kid, but this roller coaster ride is one adults will appreciate and enjoy much more. Though it may be a little scary at first, your mind starts to feel free as you are one with the road and nothing else seems to matters at the moment!

29 Learn How to Fish before You Turn 30...

Fishing may be out of your comfort zone but this is why you should go for it! Push yourself to hook a worm, catch a big fish, hold it in your hands, and set it free or cook it up for dinner! Some of the things we should do before we turn 30 is cross off activities that "only boys" do like fishing, changing a tire, fixing a car, playing on the football team, and even going hunting!

30 Eat More Exotic Foods before You Turn 30...

Be adventurous and open your mind to more exotic foods like octopus, caviar, kimchi, curry, or anything that is on the list of foods you may have not tried before. As you get older you will probably meet more culturally savvy people who have been to other countries and tried foods from around the world and it will be nice to join the conversation and say that you have tried something too!

This list of things to do before you turn 30 is just a fun list of activities and hobbies to bring more experience and awareness into your life, it doesn't mean that you can't continue to try these things after you turn 30. There may be some things not on the list that you would like to do before you turn 30 and there may be things on the list that you don't care to do. Hopefully I have inspired you to make your own list of awesome things to do before you turn 30, if you do please come back to share!

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