7 Amazing Ways Technology Can Motivate You ...

By Holly5 Comments

Whether you want to lose weight or finish writing a novel, there are ways technology can motivate you. Electronics are bashed all of the time, but they are beyond helpful if you use them correctly. They can help you stick to any goal that you set. There are tons of ways technology can motivate you, so use your electronics to your advantage.

1 Better Background

Every time you open your laptop or turn on your phone, the background is the first thing you see. Instead of looking at a hot, shirtless celebrity, change your background to an inspirational picture or motivational words. How many times a day will you see the message? One of the ways technology can motivate you is by constantly reminding you to work on your goal. So go change that background!

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2 Apps for Everything

"There's an app for that" is true advertising. If you want to get fit, download Lose It to track the food that you eat and the exercises that you complete. If you want a place to store your writing and share it with others, download Werdsmith. Apps are easy to manage and are always at your fingertips. Take advantage of the convenience and use apps to your advantage.

3 Follow the Leader

Wouldn't it be nice to feel like you're accomplishing something while scrolling down your favorite websites? The YouTube channels you subscribe to and Tumblr pages you follow provide a lot of the content you see when you log on to the websites. If you follow accounts that are aimed at giving tips and tricks to help you accomplish your goal, it'll be on your mind more. You might even see success stories that will push you to do better yourself. The reward is definitely worth the few extra clicks.

4 Pound the Alarm

Set your phone's alarm to go off at a certain time each day. It'll be your reminder to do whatever it is that you need to do. If you have an IPhone, it allows you to set words to go along with the alarm. Find a small inspirational quote to use, so that you're motivated. Don't hit the snooze button or ignore the ringing. Listen to your phone!

5 Multi-task Time

If you have a book on your Kindle that you're dying to read, don't open a page without sitting on an exercise bike. Of course, you could walk on a treadmill or use any other device as well. Just make sure that you don't read unless your body is moving. If the book is fantastic, then you won't be able to stop flipping pages and will get extra exercise. Just don't download a book you're not interested in, or you might start to slack.

6 Turn up the Tunes

Start a playlist on YouTube or add some motivational songs to your music player. If you have headphones in, you'll feel like time is moving by faster. It also gives you courage and confidence to finish your workout. Listen to something with inspirational words or check out some songs by singers that you wish you looked like. It'll give you the push you need to keep working.

7 Say Cheese

Don't be camera shy! Use your camera to take pictures of your progress. You don't have to snap a photo every day, but do it every week or month. Since you see yourself in the mirror every day, you might not notice how much you're changing. But when you see two different photos from different times, the change is more apparent.

If you're lacking motivation, try out these simple tips. What is your workout goal? Do you have any motivational advice?

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