7 Sexist Questions Women Hear but Men Are Never Asked ...


7 Sexist Questions Women Hear but Men Are Never Asked ...
7 Sexist Questions Women Hear but Men Are Never Asked ...

There are so many sexist questions men are never asked but women often hear. Job interviews are one of the worst places for this, with female candidates quizzed about their personal lives and plans for a family. But their male counterparts are rarely asked such questions. These are some of the sexist questions men are never asked …

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Do You Want Children?

One of the sexist questions men are never asked is whether they have plans to start a family. This is a common interview question for women but not for men. It's assumed that looking after kids is a woman's responsibility, and that she will be less committed to her career if she is a mother. She may also be asked what she'd do if the kids were sick - but men won't.


The gender disparity in the workplace has been a long-standing issue, and the problem is more pervasive than many people realize. Women are often asked questions that men are never asked, such as “Do you want children?” This question implies that women are expected to be the primary caregivers and that their career ambitions will be hindered by having children.

This type of questioning is not only sexist but also illegal in many countries. In the United States, for example, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has prohibited employers from asking about a potential employee’s plans for having children, as this could be used as a basis for discrimination.

The problem of gender discrimination in the workplace is not limited to questions about family planning. Women are often paid less than men for the same job and are less likely to be promoted. They are also more likely to be subjected to sexual harassment and other forms of discrimination.

The issue of gender discrimination is not just a problem in the workplace; it is also deeply embedded in society. Women are often expected to take on a greater share of domestic duties, such as childcare, and are less likely to be respected for their professional accomplishments.


Why Don't You Want Kids?

If on the other hand, a woman doesn't want kids, she'll often be asked by curious people why not. It's as if people think there is something wrong with a woman who doesn't want to be a mother. Nobody asks men the same question, except maybe their own moms. A child-free man isn't seen as anything strange.



Women will also get asked questions about their appearance. Why do they dress that way? Why don't they care more about their appearance? Why are they going grey instead of coloring their hair? Why don't they wear makeup? Men, however, are allowed to wear whatever they want, go grey naturally, and not worry about lines and wrinkles.


You Should Dress More …

Women can also be questioned about their choice of clothing. They'll be held partly responsible for being sexually assaulted if they were wearing anything deemed to be too revealing. At work they may be told to wear skirts and heels, and may be expected to wear makeup as well.


Do You Need Help with That?

This usually happens with anything car-related, because men don't think that women could possibly know how to fix a car. Meanwhile, men who do need help with their car problems are ignored - because they're supposed to know about cars. I've been asked if I need help when checking my car's oil and water - because a woman wouldn't know about these things, of course!


How Can You Leave Your Children?

If a woman goes away for work, she'll be asked how she can bear to leave her children. Fathers can travel for work without any questions being asked, however. And a woman who leaves her children will be considered a bad mother, when fathers leave home and don't take their kids.


Age Gap

Finally, if a woman dates a younger guy she'll be asked all sorts of nosy questions. What do they have in common? Isn't she afraid he'll run off with a younger woman? Even famous women who date younger men are held up to scrutiny. Men who date younger women are never asked about their relationship …

Hopefully one day people will stop treating men and women differently, and will stop asking questions of women that they would never ask a man. Such sexist questions have no place in the modern world or the workplace. Do you sometimes get treated differently because you're female, and do you think men can be treated unfairly as well?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I completely agree with Abigail and Natalie!

Oh. I read sexiest questions instead of sexist. Wah wah.

Isn't it illegal for an employer to ask someone if they plan to have children?

@Lucie you are ignorant. I clearly stated the truth. I never said it was okay I said "i do agree that a lot of the time it can be the way she dresses" I never said it was okay! if a woman says no then stop if a man says no then stop. Don't try to check me, educate yourself on LIFE

@Lucie Also. A feminist is someone who wants equality of the sexes. I am not blind of the fact the victim gets blamed. Its LIFE. You are obviously one of those "The world is cupcakes and sprinkles" type of people.

It's sexist because even though these can be asked of men, they aren't. They are only directed at women.

I hate how our society become SOO sexist between men and women and it needs to stop!!

Good points. Very true. Sadly.

@ chocolate beauty : victim shaming ans you call yourself a feminist!? For shame.

God created men and women differently for a reason I really don't get it when people say men and women are equal they r not😔 men are stronger than us and most of the time smarter

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