Keep These 7 Things in Your Car in Case of a Snow Storm ...


Keep These 7 Things in Your Car in Case of a Snow Storm ...
Keep These 7 Things in Your Car in Case of a Snow Storm ...

You never know when it's going to snow. If it happens unexpectedly, then you should have a few essential items in your car. That way, you won't end up stuck in the middle of nowhere in the freezing cold with a dying cell phone. To make sure that you stay safe, even in the cold weather, here are a few things you should always keep in your car:

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Shovel and Ice Scraper
Make sure you have an ice scraper with you, because if you walk outside to find ice on your windshield, you don't want to wait hours for your car to defrost them. It's easier to push that ice right off with the scraper. You should also have a shovel with you, so that you can dig yourself out of a bad situation. If you somehow drive your car into a super snowy area, and are unable to get out, then you can use that shovel to dig your tires free.


Mats and Sand
It's dangerous to drive on ice or in the snow. Of course, you can't just skip work or school every single time the weather gets bad. That's why you should leave spare mats or bags of sand in your car. That way, if your tires get stuck, you can place the sand or the mats underneath them. It should help your tires gain friction, so you can drive away unharmed.


A Flashlight

A Flashlight If it's late at night, you should have a flashlight with you. That way, you can use it to illuminate your car when you step outside to see what the problem is. You should also carry around extra batteries, because you never know when that flashlight is going to die.


Phone Charger

Phone Charger If your phone dies during an emergency, you'll be in trouble. That's why you should buy a phone charger that can plug into your car. That way, you'll always have a way to call for help if you need it.


Extra Clothing and Blankets

Extra Clothing and Blankets If you can't get your car to move, and have to wait for someone to pick you up, then you should have extra clothing and blankets with you. That way, you'll be able to keep yourself warm until help arrives. You don't want to end up getting frostbite.



GPS Sometimes, your phone won't cooperate with you. If it can't get a signal, or if you forgot to bring your charger with you, then it'll help to have a GPS around for backup. That way, if you're ever unsure about how to get home, you can type your address into the device and get back to safety.


Hand Warmers

Hand Warmers You can't keep your hands in your pockets while you drive. Of course, if you end up trapped inside of your car for a long period of time, those hand warmers will come in handy. They'll be useful when you don't have any gas left to keep the heat on, so make sure you buy a few of them and fill your car with them.

You can never be too prepared. That's why you should stock your car up with all of the items on this list if you want to keep yourself safe. What other things do you keep in your car in case of an emergency?

Feedback Junction

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Invaluable advice thank u!

I also keep bottled water in my car. Of course where I live it hasn't snowed at all and is actually way warmer than it should be! I love snow :)

@Brittany hey you can have my snow if you want lol

If I leave bottled water in my car overnight in the winter it will be frozen solid by morning. :)

I really want it to snow where I live🌨, good to keep in mind 😄

If your car isn't all wheel drive or a 4x4, make sure you know if you have front or rear wheel drive, so you put the mats under the right set of wheels. Most modern cars and vans are front wheel drive, so put the mats under the front wheels to help you get out.

I would also keep a stash of snacks😂

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