How Are You Surviving if You Can't do These Things?


How Are You Surviving if You Can't do These Things?
How Are You Surviving if You Can't do These Things?

We live in a digital age. Most of us have a smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer. We like to think we are proficient in the use of modern technology but are we? I’ve listed all the things I think a tech-savvy girl should be able to do.

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Connect to the Internet and Successfully Conduct Searches

Connect to the Internet and Successfully Conduct Searches There are so many elements of our life that take place online that we would be lost without it. In the South Park episode “Over Logging,” having no Internet was compared rather aptly to the end of human society as we know it.


Know How to Use Google

Know How to Use Google Have a question? Got a query? Want a question answered?

Frequently asked questions


Protect Yourself Online by Installing and Using Trustworthy and Paid Antivirus Software

Protect Yourself Online by Installing and Using Trustworthy and Paid Antivirus Software The Internet is loaded with sophisticated viruses that are able to download themselves in tiny parts so that your systems do not recognize them until the puzzle is complete. Only with paid and trustworthy antivirus/anti-malware software can you protect yourself.


Know How to Use a Touch Screen with Just One or Two Fingers Touching the Screen

Know How to Use a Touch Screen with Just One or Two Fingers Touching the Screen You may not think this is a big deal until you see somebody try to operate a touch screen with part of their palm on the screen, or watching them pick up a Smartphone and accidentally press three things before the device freezes.


How to Get through the Customs Checks at an Airport

How to Get through the Customs Checks at an Airport Nowadays you cannot carry fluids and a whole assortment of seemingly harmless devices.

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Send a Text Message or Email to a Friend or Family Member

Send a Text Message or Email to a Friend or Family Member People don’t want to spend hours gassing on the phone or in person. They want quick sharp and simple messages via an online chat function, SMS or email.


How and Where to Buy a Train Ticket Both Online and Offline

How and Where to Buy a Train Ticket Both Online and Offline We have a generation of teens that don’t even know they should buy a train ticket at a ticket booth. Fewer know how to buy a train ticket online and how you may use it on a train.


Find a Job and Apply for It Online

The resume is on its way to extinction. Nowadays you must find a job online, fill in their application, and then allow them to probe the innermost details of your life.
Find a Job and Apply for It Online


Use a Microwave to Heat, Defrost and Warm Things

Use a Microwave to Heat, Defrost and Warm Things If you are unsure of how vital your microwave is to your life, then try a week without one and you will see how much you need it.


Use Google Maps and/or a Sat Nav

Use Google Maps and/or a Sat Nav You do not have to memorize the route to anywhere anymore because technology can get you there.


Figure out How to Enter a Discount Code Online

Figure out How to Enter a Discount Code Online Discount codes are so common that one in five online transactions may involve a discount code.


Use and Operate a Smartphone and/or Tablet Device

Use and Operate a Smartphone and/or Tablet Device Even if you do not have one, you need to know how to use one for if you ever need to borrow one from somebody else to make a call.


How to Set the Alarm on Your Phone to Wake You up

How to Set the Alarm on Your Phone to Wake You up Why they even make alarm clocks anymore? Everybody I know just uses their Smartphone.


Turn off the Power for Your House at Your Fuse Box

Turn off the Power for Your House at Your Fuse Box From installing new light fittings to worries that the wiring has been exposed by your rabbit nibbling your TV cables, you should know how to turn the power off in your house.


How to Use a Self-serve Checkout in a Superstore

How to Use a Self-serve Checkout in a Superstore Superstores are putting fewer and fewer staff on the checkouts to force more customers to use their self-service checkouts because they cost the company less money than hiring people.


How to Use and Play with a Games Console

How to Use and Play with a Games Console Even if you are not a gamer yourself, there are some of your friends that are, and they will want you to immerse yourself in the fantasyland that is gaming.


Figure out Your Clothing Sizes so You Can Order Online without Trying Things on

Figure out Your Clothing Sizes so You Can Order Online without Trying Things on You cannot hold up a dress to your chest to see if it fits when you are buying online. You need to figure out sizes, especially with different items because things such as your swimming costume sizes are not the same as your hot pants sizes.


Use Google+, Twitter or Facebook to Communicate with Friends

Use Google+, Twitter or Facebook to Communicate with Friends You don’t have to be on social media if you don’t want, but you will only be nagged by your friends for not being part of it. Peer pressure suggests you should just go with it.


Find Cheaper Travel Deals Online

Find Cheaper Travel Deals Online Traveling can be expensive, even if you are just renting a car, so it is imperative that you find the best deals online.


Download Stuff without Getting a Virus

Download Stuff without Getting a Virus From simple images to advanced software, you have to know how to download without getting viruses or malware.


How to Skim Read or Speed-read

How to Skim Read or Speed-read Being online means digging through a lot of text, so you need to be able to quickly scan a page to see if it is useful.


How to Touch Type

How to Touch Type Some people think that touch screens will save them, but it won’t. You need touch typing for so many jobs these days that you are putting yourself at a massive disadvantage by not being able to touch type.


Change the Clock on Your Microwave or Oven

Change the Clock on Your Microwave or Oven Sounds like a pointless exercise, and maybe it is, but you can program modern technology to cook at certain intervals and turn themselves off, but you cannot if you don’t set the clock.


The Ability to Recognize, Ignore and Block Spam Emails

The Ability to Recognize, Ignore and Block Spam Emails Your PayPal payment is complete, you have paid Skype, we must confirm your Apple ID, you have a tax rebate waiting, Hi, it’s Jack and I’m in town, warning - there is a virus on your system…


Know How to Find and Use Wi-Fi Hotspots

Know How to Find and Use Wi-Fi Hotspots You can connect to the Internet using Wi-Fi and you can do it on trains, planes, in restaurants and in colleges if you wish.


How to Safely Remove a USB Connected Device from Another Computer

How to Safely Remove a USB Connected Device from Another Computer You have to eject the device safely or you risk scrambling the data. However, newer technology is making even this a thing of the past.


Scan Barcodes in Stores to See if There Are Cheaper Options

Scan Barcodes in Stores to See if There Are Cheaper Options It is not essential because you can always run searches online, but it sure is convenient if you are already in the store.


Use and Master Online Banking

Use and Master Online Banking Many banks have gone paperless and will charge you high fees if you want to keep things on a non-online basis.


Know How Hands-free Technology Works

Know How Hands-free Technology Works You cannot drive if you cannot master it, and there are still reports claiming it helps lower the amount of microwave radiation you receive, though tests are still inconclusive as to how significant the effect is.


Alter the Settings on Your Thermostat at Home

Alter the Settings on Your Thermostat at Home You should be able to turn your water and heating temperatures up and down to suit the weather conditions.


The Ability to Separate and Sort Your Recycling

The Ability to Separate and Sort Your Recycling More and more governments are instigating recycling programs and as a result are giving people smaller bins so they recycle.


Install and Uninstall Software

Install and Uninstall Software It is just part of human life these days. You need to be able to install and uninstall software on desktop devices and on mobile devices.


Be Able to Locate and Use an SD Memory Card

Be Able to Locate and Use an SD Memory Card They are used for cameras, camcorders, Smartphones and tablets, so you are probably going to have to use one at some point.


Order Gifts, Cards, and Household Stuff and Furniture Online

Order Gifts, Cards, and Household Stuff and Furniture Online You can order large and small items online; you just need to learn how to do it otherwise the world becomes a more inconvenient place.


Learn New Things via YouTube

Learn New Things via YouTube There is a lot of garbage and useless information on YouTube, but there are videos that will teach you numerous new things you can use at home and work.


Know How to Set Your Online Privacy and Security Settings

Know How to Set Your Online Privacy and Security Settings Websites, accounts and other people can find out every single secret answer you have ever given to another website if you do not set your privacy settings correctly, from the first street you lived on to your mother’s maiden name.


How to Charge Something Using a USB Connection

How to Charge Something Using a USB Connection There are some devices that do not even come with a plug and wire; they come with a wire and a USB connector.


Buy and Sell Secondhand Things Online

Buy and Sell Secondhand Things Online You used to buy and sell secondhand stuff with newspapers, but now you have to use online auctions and classified websites.


Figure out How a Spellchecker Works

Figure out How a Spellchecker Works You have to know what those squiggly red lines mean. You also need to understand that every suggestion is not mandatory, and that words such as curated need not be changed to crated.


Transfer Money with Your Smartphone or Desktop Device

Transfer Money with Your Smartphone or Desktop Device Sending money online to colleagues, friends and family is now more common than ever.


Use a Debit or Credit Card in a Store

Use a Debit or Credit Card in a Store You must know which way to enter it into the machine, and that you need to press the pin number and then the enter button.


Get Cheaper Tickets for the Cinema, Trains or Airplanes Online

Get Cheaper Tickets for the Cinema, Trains or Airplanes Online It is possible to get cheaper tickets for the cinema, trains and airplanes if you book them online and/or use discount codes and take advantage of offers. You have to be fairly on the ball to be able to catch and use them to save money.


Order Your Household Shopping and Groceries Online to Be Delivered to Your Door

Order Your Household Shopping and Groceries Online to Be Delivered to Your Door Why carry bottles of bleach, milk and bars of chocolate home, why pay for the fuel in your car, why wait in queues and why push past people in motorized carts when you can order online, pick what you want and have it delivered to your door for a nominal delivery fee.


Transfer Photos from Your Camera/phone to Your Computer

Transfer Photos from Your Camera/phone to Your Computer There’s no absolute need to print photos these days but using a computer makes it easier. It’s also better for storage and organization.


Stream or Download Movies and TV

Stream or Download Movies and TV Your entertainment options are just so much greater when you can stream or download.


Wire a Plug/change a Fuse

Wire a Plug/change a Fuse Although many household appliances come with sealed unit plugs, there are many that do not.


Sync Your ITunes

Sync Your ITunes The advantage of syncing is that if your iPhone gets corrupted, you'll be able to restore it (or its replacement) to working condition, with all of the purchased content that is installed.


Set up a Wireless Printer or Other External Device

Set up a Wireless Printer or Other External Device It’s usually a case of following the on-screen instructions but it helps to do it with confidence.


Transfer and Store Files in the Cloud

Transfer and Store Files in the Cloud The cloud can be used to store and share files. There are plenty of cloud applications – like Dropbox – and knowing how to use the cloud can make your computing life so much easier.

Can you do all the things on this list? Do you think I've missed anything?

Feedback Junction

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And to it used to be just getting our VCRs not to say "12:00"... :-)

This is too long...

I think I can do most of these.

It would be nice if there is other how to articles for each of these things to do.

Ikr I didn't even finish reading it all. Lol it's too long..

You don't have to have the Internet to survive. People still cope without it and Facebook and the rest


Why is it all related to phones, like the world isn't already attached to phones! Everybody nos how to do this most of this stuff. Unless they are completely uneducated.

I couldn't even bother reading all of these,most of these are just common human knowledge

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